Ellsberg supports Ecuador’s asylum for Wikileaks’ Assange

This video from the USA says about itself:

Daniel Ellsberg, the most famous whistleblower in the United States, praises Ecuador for granting political asylum to Julian Assange to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning over sex crime accusations. “I congratulate Ecuador of course for standing up to the British Empire here, for insisting that they are not a British colony, and acting as a sovereign state ought to act,” said Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, the secret history of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Assange would be arrested if he left the embassy, saying Britain is “under a binding obligation to extradite him to Sweden. “[Assange] has every reason to be wary that the real intent here is to whisk him away to America where it really hasn’t been made clear what might be waiting for him.”

See also here.

‘US intends to chase Assange, cables show’: here.

Julian Assange row: Americas ministers to meet: here.

Freedom loving people say thanks to #Ecuador! New posters for embassies here.

Ecuador received powerful backing from regional allies at the weekend as they warned Britain of “grave consequences” if it breached diplomatic security at Ecuador’s embassy in London: here.

23 thoughts on “Ellsberg supports Ecuador’s asylum for Wikileaks’ Assange

  1. Pingback: Thai women in Bahraini forced prostitution | Dear Kitty. Some blog

    • Indeed. That Tony Blair let mass torturer and drugs dealer Pinochet scot free is one more proof that he is a Thatcherite, not a real Labourite.

      It would be great if a protective ring of peaceful demonstrators around the Ecuadorean embassy in London would prevent the Conservative government from violently storming the embassy: that would be an act of war with big consequences in the whole of Latin America and elsewhere.


        • Yes, that might happen. But probably even in the British Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government at least some people would think that a state of war with several Latin American countries, and at the same time big indignation in Britain about violence against the embassy and peaceful British citizens around it, would be too much.


          • The Falklands/Malvinas issue has already caused several S American nations to take a stand against the UK. Some nutters see a conflict as a way of building national resolve. Let’s hope not.


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