Anaheim, USA, police violence

This video from the USA is called Deadly Officer-Involved Shootings Spark Anaheim Police Protests.

Police Violence, Racialized Indifference and a Hunger for Justice in Anaheim. Rania Khalek, Truthout in the USA: “[Manuel] Diaz is just the latest in a long line of police shootings of unarmed people of color. His name has come to symbolize the ongoing struggle against police violence in poor black and brown communities, for which authorities are almost never held to account. In Anaheim, where tension between police and the Latino community has been building for years, Diaz is the match that lit the fire which has spread throughout the city”: here.

Police in Anaheim, California deployed huge numbers of officers against hundreds of demonstators protesting the killing of Manuel Diaz: here.

Attended by hundreds of residents, the first Anaheim, California city council meeting since last month’s police violence and popular unrest took place Wednesday: here.

Shihab Rattansi, Al Jazeera English: “Extreme police tactics are not a new phenomenon in the US. But in the age of social media, police violence, such as the shooting of unarmed people and the use of pepper spray and taser guns, is being documented for the world to see”: here.

As Aurora Holds the Nation’s Attention, Police Shootings Are a Daily Routine: here.

From Aurora to Anaheim, guns are going off everywhere: here.

Saginaw residents spoke to Socialist Equality Party supporters at the site of a July 1 police killing. Six officers shot homeless man Milton Hall 46 times: here.

New York: Anger in East Flatbush Persists Over Teenager’s Killing by the Police: here.

12 thoughts on “Anaheim, USA, police violence

  1. Just returned from the States to Australia. It’s so violent there. I was born there and live here in Oz now and I don’t think I’d ever go back. So sad to be there amid so much poverty and tension and desperation. The police there are ultra violent as well. Don’t know how to fix any of the problems there since most people who live there don’t care.


      • But that’s such a small portion of the population. I still lived there when the war against Iraq began and about 95% of the population wanted to invade. Trying to make lasting change is extremely difficult when the average person’s views on religion and politics fall somewhere on the right wing.


        • Opinion polls said that the majority of people agreed with the Occupy Wall Street movement (more than with the Tea Party organization).

          The percentage that wanted to invade Iraq was not 95%, there were big anti-war demonstrations in the USA. And people who originally supported the war stopped supporting it after it turned out that the pretexts that Saddam Hussein supposedly had anything to do with 9/11, and that the had weapons of mass destruction, were lies. Still more people stopped supporting it (some of the “liberal hawks”) when it turned out that Bush’s back-up pretext, supposedly bringing democracy to Iraq, was a lie as well,

          The corporate media, including the so-called “liberal” media, did not reflect the extent of opposition to Wall Street, and to the Iraq war. That, indeed, sometimes, gave opponents of the war and of Wall Street the idea that they were on their own. Especially as opposition to the war and to Wall Street will not automatically mean mass participation in demonstrations etc.


          • I’m from the San Francisco area, one of the more liberal areas in the country, and participated in all the war protests big and small. Talking with people outside the activist community was like talking to a brick wall. Most people, despite all logic saying Saddam Hussein and Osama were not working together believed that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. It was sad. Don’t know what the polls say about the Occupy Movement. I don’t trust polls. They can say whatever you want them to say. Experience and living a large amount of my life there is what makes me think most people there don’t want change, don’t trust it, and half of them are waiting for heaven to have a better life. Sad… my opinion.


  2. Hi, many people believing in corporate media propaganda on war etc. is indeed a big problem. But not just in the USA. I think in Australia, home of the Murdoch empire, as well 🙂


  3. FBI Raid Portland Homes, Looking for Anarchist Materials//Insane Amo

    Thu Aug 2, 2012 10:02 am (PDT) . Posted by:

    “Richard Frager”

    Fear of a Black Bloc Planet – FBI Raid Portland Homes, Looking for Anarchist Materials

    DENNISON WILLIAMS was in bed when the agents banged on his front door shouting, “FBI!” Next he heard a boom and saw the light of a flash grenade.

    “I’m upstairs and unarmed!” he shouted. Agents carrying assault rifles handcuffed him while over a dozen officers from the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) searched his house, seizing his phone, computer, and black clothes. As they left, Williams was issued a subpoena to appear in front of a grand jury in Seattle on Thursday, August 2.

    Williams’ house on NE 8th and Buffalo was one of three searched in Portland last Wednesday, July 25, as part of a coordinated JTTF raid targeting lefty political activists in Washington and Oregon. Officers issued grand jury subpoenas to at least five people that morning in Portland, Seattle, and Olympia.

    The FBI is mum about what alleged crimes prompted the bi-state searches and subpoenas; the search warrants are sealed, and this week’s grand jury hearing itself isn’t public. But Williams provided the Mercury with a redacted copy of the search warrant for his home, which shows the agents were looking for numerous items (including “anti-government or anarchist literature,” black clothing, and flags) that could be related to the federal crimes of destruction of government property and interstate travel with intent to riot.

    Williams isn’t certain what the grand jury is investigating, specifically, but thinks he’s being called in to provide information against other activists.

    “It’s related to political opposition, it’s related to political dissent,” says Williams. “They’re trying to create a wedge within people who are resisters. They’re specifically pursuing anarchists.”

    The subpoenas and searches are likely related to an ongoing Seattle police investigation of this year’s May Day protests. While the protests included thousands of peaceful people, several individuals did smash windows at Nike, American Apparel, and the city’s federal courthouse. Seattle police have been trying for months to identify and prosecute suspects for that window smashing.

    On July 10, Seattle police staged a raid very similar to Portland’s at an Occupy collective house in South Seattle, deploying a SWAT team that charged into the home, taking political pamphlets and black clothes. Seattle police say that raid was specifically gathering evidence about the “May Day Mayhem” protest and noted on their website at the time, “There may be more search warrants in the future.”

    In some ways, the recent raids aren’t surprising. The investigation fits into the recent history of the feds prioritizing the pursuit of left wing activist groups. Starting in the late ’90s, the FBI has investigated environmentally driven property destruction as “eco-terrorism,” including the 1998 arson of a Vail, Colorado, resort for which four people associated with the Oregon-based Earth Liberation Front (ELF) were indicted. The following year’s counter terrorism report calls the arson of a Seattle Gap store “terrorism,” blaming the damage on “anarchists.” Weeks after the Gap-burning, the World Trade Organization protests stormed Seattle, and anarchists, along with “eco-terrorists,” replaced right-wing militiamen as the new domestic boogey men.

    ELF is now mostly gone, thanks to several highly publicized trials that legally branded the group as terrorists. But this year, the FBI has pursued several big left-wing cases in the Midwest. Following the recent May Day protests, officers of JTTF arrested five self-proclaimed anarchists in Ohio plotting to blow up a bridge. As with Portland’s “Christmas Tree Bomber,” Mohamed Mohamud, the bureau provided faux bombs to the accused. On May 19, police working closely with the FBI arrested three anarchists in Chicago planning to blow up President Obama’s reelection headquarters.

    Mayor Sam Adams’ office notes that JTTF officers involved in Portland’s raid were not working within Portland’s JTTF program, but came from some other jurisdiction. The program that mandates collaboration between the city’s police bureau and the FBI has been controversial this past year as city council weighed whether or not to join the task force. After working out an agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union, city council unanimously agreed to rejoin the group in April 2011.

    Whether the charges brought forward in the grand jury hearing in Seattle this week will be labeled terrorism or merely federally prosecutable window smashing remains to be seen. In the meantime, the accused and their supporters are keeping their lips as tight as the FBI’s. “I’m not going to cooperate with the grand jury,” says Williams. “They’re a method of intimidating people.”


    Insane Amount of Militarized Police for Peaceful Protests in Anaheim

    Anaheim, CA continues to be the site for a wave escalating police brutality protests following the chaos that ensued after the shooting of unarmed Manuel Diaz. It has since come to light that Diaz was shot in the leg and the back of the head. The following day, Joel Acevedo was allegedly killed by police while already in handcuffs. These latest incidents have led to lawsuits and calls for federal investigation.

    What began as a gathering of locals in response to what they believed was yet another incident in a string of police misconduct cases that have included 7 suspicious shootings with 5 deaths, has now morphed into a much larger mix of protesters after more than 10 days of marches. In our last update, we questioned if there might be provocateurs among the legitimate protesting public, especially since hacktivist collective Anonymous has become involved, and whether or not the escalating violence would justify full-blown militarization. Well, it appears we now have the answer to that question.

    There has been a complete mainstream media blackout, despite the following video that shows what looks like a foreign occupation, with armored vehicles, and police with assault rifles. There are also photos of police with grenade launchers being employed in front of Disneyland. This is part of the trend for which the government’s own documents suggest is preparation for widespread civil unrest in America; one where the police and military will work together to oppress Americans: it is the ultimate betrayal.

    COMMENTS: Anaheim is beta testing for the martial law to come.

    Coming to a neighborhood near you!

    Police state is here and not welcomed. Sad to see this in America…Cant even tell police apart from military.


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