Anti-semitism in Europe

This video is called Greek Nazis wants to kill all immigrants Χρυσή Αυγή got 21 seats (2012).

From daily The Morning Star in Europe:

Leaders told to tackle anti-semitism

Thursday 17 May 2012

by Our Foreign Desk

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) has urgently called for governments to tackle “anti-semitism and far-right extremism” following a rise in fascism since the eurozone crisis.

EJC president Moshe Kantor said the rise in support for the Greek far-right Golden Dawn party, whose leader is a Holocaust-denier, should send “shock-waves throughout Europe.

“Before calling on European leaders to act against hate on the street, they must clear their own houses and that means banning and ostracising any politicians and political parties that preach hate and violence,” Mr Kantor said in Prague ahead of a meeting with Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas on Wednesday.

“While we highly value freedom of speech, we all recognise that there must be restrictions and the visceral hatred propagated by Golden Dawn is surely outside the boundaries of appropriate political discourse.”

But while Mr Kantor expressed fears over anti-semitic violence, he showed no such concern over the rampant Islamophobia of most of the European far right and even named “radical Muslim communities” as a key threat to Jews on the continent.

Critics also raised fears that restrictions on freedom of expression could be used against the left as well as the right.

The Czech government has a track record of attempting to ban the country’s Communist Youth on the grounds that its call for public ownership was unconstitutional and “extremist.”

4 thoughts on “Anti-semitism in Europe

    • Indeed, certainly one can call people like Golden Dawn in Greece, and Breivik in Norway “idiotic”. However, one should stop circumstances in which such criminal ideas can become stronger. That means, inter alia: stopping the economic austerity which drives people to desperation (sometimes very wrong forms of desperation); and stopping the pandering to xenophobia by the “center Right” and other “mainstream” political parties; like the anti-Roma witchhunt of Sarkozy; the claims by Merkel and others on the supposed “failure of multiculturalism”; the opening by the Greek “centrist” governmment of a concentration camp for refugees; etc.


      • Yes, very true. I saw a strong shift to the right in Spain around the turn of the century when the then government let too many migrant workers from Central and South America enter the country too quickly. There was a huge knee-jerk reaction; quite simply, due to fear.


  1. Holocaust shrine vandalised

    ISRAEL: The Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial has been vandalised, its chairman Avner Shalev said on Monday.

    Anti-zionist graffiti was daubed on 10 spots around the compound, he said, using slogans including “Hitler, thank you for the Holocaust” and “Jews, wake up, the evil zionist regime doesn’t protect us — it jeopardises us.”

    Mr Shalev suspected ultra-Orthodox Jews were responsible as the slogans were in “excellent Hebrew” and one was signed “world ultra-Orthodox Jewry.”


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