Maltese bird-killers in Egypt

This video says about itself:

This video shows the illegal killing of protected and critical endangered birds of prey, storks and waterbirds by a group of Maltese hunters at Lake Nasser, Egypt.

Several Spoonbills, White Pelicans, Egyptian Vultures, Glossy Ibisses [see also here], an Osprey, a Short-toed Eagle, a Bonelli’s Eagle, a Lanner Falcon, a Honey Buzzard, a White Egret and a White stork are being shot on this trip alone.

CABS and IAR Malta decided to publish this footage (which was filmed some years ago) to show the world the true face of these so-called hunting trips. To protect the identity of the poachers their faces and voices have been blurred.

Contact for more information:

CABS – Committee Against Bird Slaughter
(Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V.)
Tel.: 0049 228 66 55 21

See also here.

May 2013. Disturbing evidence has emerged from the Mediterranean coast of Egypt: Bavarian Broadcasting have documented a total of 700 kilometres of nets set to catch birds. The birds are then offered as a delicacy in markets and restaurants across Egypt: here.

March 2012: BirdLife Malta has welcomed the European Commission’s reaffirmation of its stance on trapping in Malta. This makes clear that Malta cannot justify a trapping derogation under the Birds Directive nor ensure strict control of trapping practices: here.

Malta hunting committee ignoring science, conservation and the EU: here.

Spring Watch 2012, an international camp organised by BirdLife Malta every spring aimed at monitoring illegal hunting of wild birds, will take place this year between 15th and 30th April. The event coincides, as always, with the peak spring migration and consequently the highest illegal hunting and trapping activity: here.

Over 730 illegal hunting incidents were recorded by BirdLife Malta’s Spring Watch teams during the spring hunting derogation period between the 12th April and 30th April, BirdLife Malta announced today. This figure is based on an initial analysis of the data gathered by BirdLife Malta’s Spring Watch teams and does not include illegalities recorded by the Committee Against Bird Slaughter: here.

Malta: Case Study In NATO Subversion And Coercion: here.

4 thoughts on “Maltese bird-killers in Egypt

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