English airport plan threatens birds

The British Conservative government says they have no money for poor people … for sexually abused women … for workers’ pensions … etc.

They do have money for war in Afghanistan, Libya, etc.

They do have money for a luxurious yacht as a gift to the Queen from taxpayers’ money.

They also seem to have money for destroying wildlife.

From the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Britain:

Say NO to Mayor Boris’ estuary airport

Last modified: 18 January 2012

The RSPB has warned the Government against including a Thames Estuary airport in an upcoming consultation on the future of aviation.

The plan is nicknamed “Boris island”, after the Conservative mayor of London, Boris Johnson

David Cameron is set to announce an official consultation which will include plans for an airport hub in the Estuary, a haven for hundreds of thousands of wildfowl and wading birds.

As well as destroying this vital habitat, experts believe an airport here would be at high risk of bird strike, with very serious flight-safety implications.

RSPB conservation director Martin Harper, said: “There is no economic argument for destroying a vital habitat for thousands of wetland birds. We would be horrified if this act of environmental vandalism goes ahead simply to suit a short-termist approach to the economic mess we are in.

“Concreting over our natural environment and pumping more carbon into our atmosphere is no way to grow a long term sustainable future of our country.

“The last Government produced a white paper which looked at this idea and it concluded that it would be bad for business, bad for wildlife and bad for air safety. This Government now risks wasting public money in order to reach the same conclusion.

“The Estuary is not a wasteland waiting to be developed for the benefit of London, it is a jewel in our natural crown and is only there as a result of years of campaigning from local residents and conservationists.

“George Osborne has already made it clear that he feels environmental regulation protecting our most valuable wildlife sites is a brake on business. Weakening those rules would give environmentally destructive proposals like this an easy ride. After facing huge public opposition in response to proposed forestry sell-offs and the reform of England’s planning system, is the Government ready for a third major public uproar?”

The RSPB’s calling on individuals to campaign with us by asking local MP’s for smart growth and by taking some of the simple steps to help support wildlife outlined in it’s online campaign, Stepping Up for Nature.

‘Boris island’ airport would cause European flight chaos, say airlines: here.

Environmentalists and Labour mayoral hopeful Ken Livingstone took turns to take pot shots today at Mayor Boris Johnson’s enthusiastic backing for a new Thames estuary airport: here. And here.

Providing alternative habitats for wildlife could cost up to £2bn if a proposed Thames Estuary airport is built, reports the BBC: here.

Thames estuary is internationally important for bird conservation: here.

6 thoughts on “English airport plan threatens birds

  1. Pingback: British Conservative attack on conservation | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Olifantsgras voor biomassa en tegen ganzen bij Schiphol

    maandag 26 november 2012 Petrochem/Wageningen UR

    In de Haarlemmermeer wordt als proef tenminste zestig hectare olifantsgras aangeplant als grondstof voor energie en chemie. Tegelijkertijd biedt het een natuurlijke verhoging van de vliegveiligheid omdat het een onaantrekkelijk gewas is voor ganzen.

    Vandaag hebben boeren uit de Haarlemmermeer, de Wageningen UR en GEM A4 zone west hiervoor een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend. A4 Zone West, een duurzaam en logistiek werkmilieu in wording aan de A4 ten zuiden van Schiphol, stelt grond ter beschikking voor deze proef. Olifantsgras kan dienen als biomassa-grondstof voor de duurzame productie van energie en tal van materialen, zoals bioplastic. Daarmee is het een ideale grondstof in de innovatieve duurzame productiecyclus. Wageningen UR heeft hiervoor, samen met partners, een kringloopketen ontwikkeld. Het heeft eigenschappen die duurzame toepassingen binnen handbereik brengen en is na twee jaar productief. Voorjaar 2013 wordt het gewas aangeplant, waarna het na twee jaar een hoogte van circa drie tot vier meter heeft bereikt. Voor de Rijksoverheid en Wageningen UR moet dit proefproject uitwijzen of het Olifantsgras alle verwachte positieve duurzaamheidseigenschappen inderdaad waarmaakt. De proef is het concrete resultaat van de ‘Green Deal’ uit december 2011, tussen het ministerie van Economische Zaken. Landbouw & Innovatie (EL&I), Wageningen UR en de boeren in de Haarlemmermeer.


  4. Pingback: 700 seals in the Thames, England | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: British anti-wildlife ‘Boris island airport’ plan rejected | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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