Where United States dinosaurs are

This video is called Time Team Special 12 (2001) – Dinosaur Hunting (Montana, USA).

From Dinosaur Tracking blog in the USA:

December 20, 2011

Where the Dinosaurs Are

Wherever you go in the United States, you’re probably no more than a few hours away from a dinosaur skeleton. The “ruling reptiles” are virtually everywhere. From field sites to museum displays, the country is dotted with dinosaurs, and to coincide with Smithsonian magazine’s new Evotourism feature I have compiled a short “Dinotourism” subset of destinations for the Mesozoic-minded.

A Dinosaur Freeway, serving as a primary thoroughfare for dino travel, existed 98 million years ago in Colorado: here.

3 thoughts on “Where United States dinosaurs are

  1. Pingback: Australian dinosaurs, sandstone, threats, new research | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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