Bird migration in Europe and Asia

This video from Scandinavia is called Little Bunting singing in midnight sun.

From BirdLife:

EuroBirdwatch11: more than 80,200 people observing the miracle of bird migration in Europe and Central Asia

Thu, Oct 13, 2011

Every year, BirdLife Europe invites people to observe and learn about the fascinating bird migration during the first weekend of October. This year, EuroBirdWatch – BirdLife’s annual birdwatching event in Europe – happened during the week-end of the 1st and 2nd October and seduced thousands of people across Europe and Central Asia. …

As usual, birds did not disappoint bird lovers: attendees counted close to five million birds of many different species passing overhead. Observed in many countries flying in huge swarms, starlings has been the most observed species during this year’s EuroBirdWatch. The second award goes to Little Bunting. In Hungary, a Little Bunting was ringed which marked the fourth record of this species in this country, while in Gibraltar the first national record of the same species was made. The third place belongs to cranes which were massively observed in Lithuania, Ukraine and Eastern Slovakia.

EuroBirdwatch – BirdLife’s annual birdwatching event in Europe and Central Asia – works to raise awareness of issues relating to bird migration and promotes efforts to save threatened bird species and their habitats. This year’s EuroBirdwatch will take place on the weekend of 6-7 October 2012: here.

October is the month to celebrate birds in the Americas, and as in previous years, both BirdLife Partner and non-partner organizations are joining the celebrations: here.

5 thoughts on “Bird migration in Europe and Asia

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