Dutch steelworkers protest, block foundry gate

Tata Steel gate in IjmuidenTranslated from Dutch FNV Bondgenoten trade union:

More than one hundred employees block Tata factory gate in anger


Caroline Weber (trade union media spokeswoman)

More than one hundred employees this morning spontaneously blocked the Rooswijk gate of Tata Steel in IJmuiden immediately after a meeting of members of FNV Bondgenoten. They campaigned, because they want the bosses to withdraw their plans for the loss of thousands of jobs. Today there will be two more trade union meetings.

Aad in ‘t Veld, FNV Bondgenoten official: “There is a great willingness to take action. The people are totally fed up. There is no respect anymore for the employees. Management just sees them as a cost factor and they just keep cutting and cutting again. People have lost faith in that. We want to stop the loss of thousands of jobs because that is irresponsible, also because workers are already under pressure of a big workload.”

Transnational company Tata Steel expressed “deep regret” after being fined £500,000 over the death of a “hero” worker on the south Wales site of a firm it took over: here.

The plans of steel conglomerate Tata to sell their loss-making UK steel business threaten the jobs of 15,000 steel workers along with another 25,000 jobs in the company’s supply chain. Were the jobs to go, it would mean the end of steel production in the UK: here.

Saving the Dollar, Destroying Jobs and the Financial System: here.

5 thoughts on “Dutch steelworkers protest, block foundry gate

  1. IJmuiden steel maker fined for dioxine emissions

    Friday 07 October 2011

    The province of Noord-Holland is fining Indian conglomerate Tata Steel in IJmuiden (previously Dutch steel makers Corus) €150,000 for breaching dioxine emission levels, reports news agency ANP.

    Tata Steel already tried to avoid the fine by taking the provincal council to court, but the court in Alkmaar ruled in favour of the province.

    Noord-Holland served notice on Tata Steel in June that dioxine emissions were too high and said it would fine the company €150,000 each time checks showed they remained above accepted levels.

    Tata says it has now introduced temporary measures to reduce emissions but that a long-term solution needs more research and tests, says ANP.

    © DutchNews.nl



  2. Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    The Communist Party of India (CPI) has issued following statement to the Press:
    The CPI expresses grave concern over the revelations made by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on August 17, 2012 that some of India’s biggest companies — the Tatas, Essar, JSPL, Adani, Hindalco, Jypee, Balco, ArcelorMittal, have benefited hugely from the award of coal blocks without auction.The benefits could add up to a mind-boggling Rs 3.8 lakh crore.
    The party fails to understand the undue and aggressive haste shown by Union minister for coal Sri Jai Prakash Jaiswal to rebut the national auditor’s findings and to rubbish its calculations. The blocks could have been auctioned eight years ago, and the delay has caused such a huge loss to the exchequer. Mr Jaiswal whose relative has been named by the CAG of receiving pecuniary benefits, has lost moral right to defend himself and the UPA-II government. The concept of coal block allocation through bidding was made public by June 28, 2004 but GoI is yet to finalise the modus operandi of competitive bidding even in February 2012. Why this undue delay in finalizing a decision which costed the nation so dearly and damaged the image of the Government beyond repair. Prime Minister need to give an explanation to the nation.
    The government, the PMO and its ministerial bosses seem to have forgotten that CAG has a mandate under our own Constitution and to belittle it is violation of the Statute itself. The official stance that “allocation of coal blocks was never seen as a potential for generating revenue” is only to cover up the misdeeds done in the name of development with private participation. If the revenue of coal blocks, which is a nation’s resource, is not seen as a source of income to the nation the allocation without bidding to the corporates and allowing them the loot, is directly helping the development of crony capitalism.
    The CPI demands a thorough probe into the whole affair of coal blocks’ allotments and find a way-out to collect the differential amounts from the corporates who had made windfall profits, with the wrong policies of the Government.

    on Wednesday, August 22, 2012



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