Orcas near Shetland islands, video

This video says about itself:

Great encounter with a pod of Killer Whales yesterday. The light and visibility were poor, so decided to use the opportunity to experiment with video rather than take still photos. This video is a quick and rough edit of the resulting footage. Filmed at three different locations – Clumlie, Boddam and Grutness – in the south mainland of the Shetland Islands, 17th July 2011.

Orcas make waves to prey on seals: here.

Orcas Snatch Calves from Humpback Mother: here.

Video, Photos: Humpback Whale Spotted In The Rockaways: here.

2 thoughts on “Orcas near Shetland islands, video

  1. Young orca strays from the pod

    Last updated 05:00 11/09/2011

    A juvenile Orca separated from his mother and pod has marine scientists on watch in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf.

    Dr Ingrid Visser, of the Orca Research Trust, said the calf, probably two to three years old, was spotted on Thursday.

    Coastguard and boaties joined in to track it on Friday but it was not sighted yesterday and Visser hoped it had rejoined the pod.

    It could survive on its own, but socially it was better off with the pod, Visser said.

    It is not known why the calf became separated but, just as a human mum could take her eyes off a child in a supermarket and lose them, “the same thing happens with these guys in the wild”.

    Visser has not been able to identify the calf’s markings, but said she would know it and the mum. There are fewer than 200 orca in living in New Zealand waters where they are a protected species.

    Sunday Star Times



  2. Pingback: White orca spotted, a first | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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