Yemen dictator gone, people celebrate

This is a video of a celebration by protesters in Change Square in the Yemeni capital Sana’a this morning after hearing the news of President Saleh’s departure for Saudi Arabia.

Congratulations to the courageous people of Yemen, whose non-violent pro-democracy movement has managed to drive away the third bloody dictator now in the Arab world; after Ben Ali of Tunisia and Mubarak of Egypt.

However, in both Tunisia and Egypt the people now are still fighting against the remaining parts of Ben Ali’s and Mubarak’s systems.

The people in Yemen will now still have to fight to establish true democracy. Like the people in neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Bahrain

Three dictators in the Arab world gone, still some twenty to go.

Long live the people’s movements against dictatorship, corruption, and economic neo-conservatism. In Yemen … in the Arab world … in the whole world.

Fireworks at Change Square to Celebrate Saleh’s Departure (video): here.

Jordanian youths express solidarity with Yemenis: here.

Kuwait: Egyptian Student [10-year old] Dismissed [from all schools in Kuwait] for Asking about the Revolution: here.

‘The Arab Spring and Europe’s turn’: read Ana Palacio’s latest op-ed on Al Jazeera: here.

3 thoughts on “Yemen dictator gone, people celebrate

  1. Pingback: Yemen dictator gone, his forces’ murders continue | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Yemen dictator gone, US ambassador still there | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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