Egyptian anti-dictatorship movement continues

This video from the USA is called Chomsky on Egypt, Obama, Israel & Mubarak (U.S. Policy Supports Brutal Dictator).

USA: Egyptian Mubarak Regime Paid Beltway Insiders Millions To Court The Powerful: here.

This video is called CNN Crew Attacked by Mubarak Thugs Cairo Anderson Cooper Egypt.

Following Mubarak and Obama Speeches, Government Thugs Attack Demonstration: here.

Anderson Cooper talks to HuffPost about being attacked by pro-Mubarak mob in Egypt: here.

Who are these thugs sent in by Mubarak to attack democracy protesters? asks Egyptian author Adhaf Soueif: here.

Scientists join protests on streets of Cairo to call for political reform: here.

Egyptian Women Protest the Government Alongside the Men, Yet Few Images of Women: here.

Tony Blair has described Hosni Mubarak, the beleaguered Egyptian leader, as “immensely courageous and a force for good”: here.

Juan Cole, Truthdig: “A largely unheralded hero of the Egyptian revolution is a mild-mannered academic who endured imprisonment and then exile for daring to criticize the Mubarak family’s increasingly dynastic ambitions. Saad Eddin Ibrahim has spoken out forcefully on human rights and democracy for decades, and he is finally being vindicated. But his message that the United States needs to support democracy in the Arab world and put aside its paranoia about Muslim fundamentalist movements may be unpalatable to Washington’s elites”: here.

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout: “Barack Obama, like his predecessors, has supported Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the tune of $1.3 billion annually, mostly in military aid. In return, Egypt minds US interests in the Middle East, notably providing a buffer between Israel and the rest of the Arab world. Egypt collaborates with Israel to isolate Gaza with a punishing blockade, to the consternation of Arabs throughout the Middle East. The United States could not have fought its wars in Iraq without Egypt’s logistical support”: here.

Chomsky compares Mubarak to Ceauşescu: here.

3 thoughts on “Egyptian anti-dictatorship movement continues


    “You can’t be neutral on a moving train,” Howard Zinn said. Although he died over a year ago (January 27, 2010), no statement could be more timely considering the upheaval in Egypt.

    Perhaps we are so vicariously thrilled by people literally taking democracy into their hands and putting their lives on the line – as we were with the suppressed “Green Revolution” in Iran – because we have largely abandoned large-scale protests in the US. Other nations are doing the heavy lifting of democracy, and it excites us with the possibility that it could happen here, that we could stand up to the plutocracy and the status quo elites.

    Zinn said that he would like to be remembered,

    for introducing a different way of thinking about the world, about war, about human rights, about equality … for getting more people to realize that the power which rests so far in the hands of people with wealth and guns, that the power ultimately rests in people themselves and that they can use it. At certain points in history, they have used it. Black people in the South used it. People in the women’s movement used it. People in the anti-war movement used it. People in other countries who have overthrown tyrannies have used it.

    He was an inveterate optimist that the spark of good in all of us can ignite a powerful force that can bring down the rule of the privileged few.

    Zinn was also on the advisory board of Truthout, which embodies his view that:

    There was a moment in our lives (or a month, or a year) when certain facts appeared before us, startled us, and then caused us to question beliefs that were strongly fixed in our consciousness – embedded there by years of family prejudices, orthodox schooling, imbibing of newspapers, radio and television. This would seem to lead to a simple conclusion: that we all have an enormous responsibility to bring to the attention of others information they do not have, which has the potential of causing them to rethink long-held ideas.

    In tribute to Zinn, on the anniversary of his death, Truthout and BuzzFlash are offering his eye-opening, revisionist history of America: “The People’s History of the United States.”

    It’s a special gift premium that will cause you “to rethink long-held ideas.” And then pass it on to a friend. Germinate the seeds of truth.

    Mark Karlin
    Editor, BuzzFlash at Truthout


  2. Appeal for international solidarity

    To all the peoples of the world… To the hundreds of thousands who demonstrated against capitalist globalization and neo-liberalism… To the millions who came out against war and imperialism… To the world’s workers and toilers… To the free writers, intellectuals and artists of the world… To all the people with free conscience…

    We call upon you to act in all possible ways to salvage the leading forces of the Egyptian revolution in Al-Tahrir Square in Cairo… A massacre is being prepared now… Thousands of thugs and under-cover policemen are being mobilized under the supervisor of the butcher Mubarak and the leading figures of his regime.

    They are now attacking the demonstrators… They are now throwing Molotov cocktails and tear gas bombs against the peaceful demonstrators… There are now 500 injured people… And there is confirmed information that the thugs will attack the square en masse late at night after turning of the lights in the area.

    They intend to perpetrate a massive massacre… We call upon all the honest people to act in all ways… Demonstrate at once… Spread the news of the massacre in all the corners of the world… Press your MPs and politicians and all the free civil society organizations to take decisive positions… long live the Egyptian revolution… Long live the international solidarity!


  3. Pingback: George W Bush’s friendships with dictators | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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