Tunisian revolution continuing, also in Albania

Thousands Protest Interim Government in Tunis: Signs that the Tunisia story is by no means over: here. And here.

This video is called Albanian demonstrations in Tirana.

Blame traded over Albania casualty: Government and opposition hold each other responsible for deaths of protesters: here.

Yemen arrests anti-government protest leader: here.

A number of Wikileaks revelations have shown that US officials, despite their public stance, have been well aware of corruption and human rights abuses of regimes it has supported. In some cases, the US funded these regimes and trained their military: here.

Ten web tools beyond Twitter and Facebook activists should consider: here.

2 thoughts on “Tunisian revolution continuing, also in Albania

  1. Pingback: Algerian opposition demonstration | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Tunisian revolution, four years later | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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