Tunisia not democratic yet

This video from the USA is called Ben Ali “no”. @ UN Tunisian Protest New York City, January 17th 2011.

The National Unity Government announced by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi is a coming together of all factions of Tunisia’s ruling elite against the working class, students and small farmers: here.

Tunisian opposition parties overlooked in the country’s new interim government have strongly criticised the decision to include members of ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s cabinet in the transitional authority: here.

The head of Tunisia’s transitional government Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi said Tuesday that officials who used violence to quell protests that ousted Tunisia’s president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali last week will face justice: here.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Mohammed Ghannouchi, to release journalist Fahem Boukadous who is serving a four year jail term and suffering from severe asthma: here.

All the latest on Tunisia from our live blog: here.

“Where can I find a Tunisian flag?” The question flooded Egyptian blogs, tweeter and Facebook pages minutes after news that popular protests had forced out long-time Tunisian dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali: here.

Tunisia: Will the Jasmine Revolution Spread? Here.

Tunisia. Passions ignited there resonate across region with more self-immolations: here.

“Break my heart but don’t come near my bread,” goes an old Arabic proverb. Failure to observe it has often come at a high political price: here.

Virulent unrest in Northern Africa should be ringing alarm bells in Afghanistan. Widespread Afghan youth unemployment, not the Taliban, may soon become the largest of the US military’s worries as it delicately maneuvers itself out of the country: here.

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