British torture in Iraq

This video from the USA says about itself:

“The Red Cross Report, the Torture Memos, and Political Accountability”.

Mark Danner, Professor of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes writer Mark Danner for a discussion of his recent articles in the New York Review of Books on the torture policies of the Bush Administration. The conversation addresses these topics: how interrogation turned to torture in response to the 911 attacks, the mind set of Cheney and Rumsfeld, the impact of the Church Committee reforms, the political dimensions of uncovering scandal in an empire that is also a democracy, the implications of torture for American identity, and the politics and necessity of establishing accountability.

The Guardian newspaper has obtained documents that reveal that British soldiers have been trained in torture techniques and have put these practices to use in Iraq: here.

Britain: Legal group Reprieve challenged MI6 chief today following claims that his organisation had no involvement in torture: here.

A team set up to investigate allegations of abuse by British troops in Iraq has begun work under the leadership of a retired detective, Armed Forces Minister Nick Harvey said today: here.

A court hearing on a case about the torture of 142 Iraqis in UK detention opens this Friday, November 5th: here.

Iraqi MPs demanded on Thursday that parliament hold a special session to investigate evidence that mostly Sunni prisoners have been routinely tortured at the hands of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Iranian-backed administration: here.

The sentencing of former Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz to hang is a barbaric act of political vengeance by the US puppet government in Baghdad and yet another in the litany of war crimes committed by Washington since the 2003 invasion: here.

Holy See condemns Tariq Aziz death sentence: here.

US should admit wrongdoing in Iraq: here.

Torture Orders Were Part of US Sectarian War Strategy: here.

4 thoughts on “British torture in Iraq

  1. Pingback: British soldiers’ murder of Iraqi civilian | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Pingback: British torture prison in Basra, Iraq | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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