BP oil kills sperm whales

This video says about itself:

A baby sperm whale learns to swim alone while its mother hunts deep below.

From Wildlife Extra:

Three sperm whales killed by oil spill – Could threaten Gulf of Mexico’s entire population

17/06/2010 22:42:31

Other endangered species in peril

June 2010: Three dead sperm whales killed by the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could put the small population native to the gulf in peril, according to one Texas Tech University expert.

Not only that, but endangered and threatened Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles could face major population decimation as they breathe in toxic fumes and ingest crude oil, said Celine Godard-Codding, an assistant professor at The Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech.

Godard-Codding, is keeping a close eye on endangered species and how they are affected by what has now been dubbed the largest oil spill in U.S. history. She is working with the endangered and threatened sea turtles along the Texas coast to monitor how the animals will fare through the crisis.

USA: Thursday’s hearing into the Gulf oil spill was a spectacle of Congressional posturing and impotence before the stonewalling of BP head Tony Hayward: here.

Congress Hammers BP CEO For Dodging Deepwater Spill Responsibility: here.

This is a video about oiled birds getting cleaned.

Evidence emerges of Australian oil spill coverup: here.

How the US Department of Defense subsidizes BP: here.

Musicians band together for ‘Kill the Spill’ benefit: here.

Joe Barton has received $1.7 million from Big Oil and Gas: here.

Republican Backpedals From Apology to BP: here.

Biden on Barton (the guy who apologized to BP): here.

Map: where the BP oil spill has made landfall to date: here.

BP oil spill may have claimed its largest wildlife victim yet: here.

Hightower: BP Is a Corporate Criminal: here.

Wildlife scientists report: oil-covered Gulf waters, usually teeming with birds and wildlife, are eerily empty.

The animals most threatened by the BP oil spill: here.

Harsh Words for Oil Spill: Many of the Webbys’ five-word speeches condemned the disaster in the Gulf: here.

Far From Gulf, a Spill Scourge 5 Decades Old: here.

The oil spill is destroying stopover sites for migratory birds: here.

Why are Critically Endangered Sea Turtle Hatchlings Being Released into the Oil? Here.

7 thoughts on “BP oil kills sperm whales

  1. Pingback: BP oil killing whales, cover-up | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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