Follow Antarctic wandering albatrosses on the Internet

This video says about itself:

This video shows typical bird behavior of the albatrosses on Bird Island, off the coast of South Georgia in the Atlantic Ocean. The video includes footage of the birds flying around the island, grooming each other and caring for their young.

The video is about black-browed albatrosses.

Black-browed albatrosses nest on Bird Island in the South Atlantic but find food on 2,000-mile foraging flights: here.

From the BBC:

Follow a satellite tagged pair of wandering albatrosses, raising their chick on Bird Island, South Georgia. These birds travel across the wild Southern Ocean for days to find food. Meanwhile their chick, alone on the nest, waits for their return. Track the albatrosses on the map and get the latest news from BAS scientists on Bird Island.

Wandering albatrosses hold the record for the bird with the largest wingspan: here.

Years ago Bruce spent considerable time on Bird Island, South Georgia as a research assistant working with albatrosses and other seabirds where he developed a deep passion for these animals. When he realised that the same birds he ringed and studied 30 years ago are seriously threatened he decided to use his skills and experience to raise awareness about the issue and funds for the conservation of the seabirds. And so the ‘Troubled Waters’ project was born. The time Bruce spent with albatrosses in the southern ocean produced sufficient artwork but in order to tell the complete story of these birds Bruce had to experience the birds’ interactions with humans at the heart of the issue – fishermen: here.

Whales, Ice, Penguins, Albatrosses: here.

6 thoughts on “Follow Antarctic wandering albatrosses on the Internet

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