Worldwide economic crisis

This video from the USA says about itself:

Merrill Lynch pushes out $3.6 B of early bonuses and Morgan Stanley Executives are told by Co-President James Gorman to no longer call Bonuses, a “Bonus” and instead call it a “retention award.”

USA: Obama has named as the Democratic co-chair of the deficit reduction commission the former White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles, a member of the board of directors of Morgan Stanley, the investment bank that was a principal beneficiary of the Bush-Obama Wall Street bailout: here.

The state of Illinois, confronting a deficit of about $13 billion, has ceased making scheduled payments to multiple state agencies, among them the University of Illinois, forcing pay cuts and furloughs: here.

Britain: Women bear brunt of recession, Prentis warns: here.

Greece has become a test case for draconian attacks on the living standards of broad sections of the population throughout Europe: here.

A policy paper produced by the EU president indicates that Brussels intends to use Greece’s debt crisis to justify clawing more economic power away from member states: here.

Despite the efforts of the Sri Lankan government to paint a picture of a vibrant economy on the brink of a historic expansion, the island confronts a worsening economic crisis: here.

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