Soldier tortures 4-year-old girl the CIA way

This video is called Amnesty International: waterboarding.

From the (conservative) Daily Mail in Britain:

U.S. soldier ‘waterboarded his own daughter, 4, because she couldn’t recite alphabet’

By Mail Foreign Service

Last updated at 7:12 AM on 08th February 2010

A soldier waterboarded his four-year-old daughter because she was unable to recite her alphabet.

Joshua Tabor admitted to police he had used the CIA torture technique because he was so angry.

As his daughter ‘squirmed’ to get away, Tabor said he submerged her face three or four times until the water was lapping around her forehead and jawline.

Tabor, 27, who had won custody of his daughter only four weeks earlier, admitted choosing the punishment because the girl was terrified of water.

The practice of waterboarding was used by the CIA to break Al Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo Bay. Detainees had water poured over their face until they feared they would drown. President Barack Obama has since outlawed the practice.

Tabor, a soldier at the Lewis-McChord base in Tacoma, Washington, was arrested after being seen walking around his neighbourhood wearing a Kevlar military helmet and threatening to break windows.

Police discovered the alleged waterboarding when they went to his home in the Tacoma suburb of Yelm and spoke to his girlfriend.

She told them about the alleged torture and the terrified girl was found hiding in a closet, with bruising on her back and scratch marks on her neck and throat.

Asked how she got the bruises, the girl is said to have replied: ‘Daddy did it.’

During a police interview Tabor allegedly admitted grabbing his daughter, placing her on the kitchen counter and submerging her face into a bowl of water.

Sergeant Rob Carlson said the punishment was carried out because the girl would not recite the alphabet.

Police have not revealed Tabor’s military service, but his base is home to units that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tabor has been charged with assault and ordered to remain on his base and have no contact with his daughter or girlfriend, who has not been named. He is due to appear in court this week.

The girl has been taken into care. Her natural mother lives in Kansas but Tabor had been granted custody by a court.

See also here.

Joshua Tabor, Who Served in Iraq, Accused of Waterboarding Daughter: here.

The CIA is under fire following the news its allowing active-duty operatives to work for private companies on the side. The previously undisclosed “moonlighting” has granted wealthy private entities such as financial firms and hedge funds access to top-level intelligence officials: here.

A British contractor said recently that the Americans, the British and other armed forces were in Afghanistan to win the war, but for his firm, the more the security situation deteriorated the better: here.

Up to 20 Britons may have been tortured abroad with the complicity of the government and MI5, a human rights watchdog has revealed: here.

While British resident Shaker Aamer is locked away in solitary confinement in Guantanamo, the US ambassador is poring over the plans to move his embassy near to Shaker’s home in Battersea, in the Borough of Wandsworth: here.

Human rights group Reprieve has launched a legal challenge aimed at forcing the government to publish its guidance to MI5 and MI6 agents on interrogation practices: here.

David Price: “The CIA Is Welcoming Itself Back onto American University Campuses”: here.

Torture: Andrew Sullivan: What the Nazis Did; What Bush and Cheney Did: here.

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