Campaign against corrupt Blairite politician Hazel Blears

Hazel Blears Must Go poster

From British daily The Morning Star:

Campaign aims to get Blears out

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Disgraced Salford MP Hazel Blears faces the wrath of her constituents after they launched a campaign to force her to stand down.

Supporters of the Hazel Blears Must Go campaign say it stems from the anger and frustration many of her constituents are feeling following the expenses scandal.

Ms Blears had to resign as Communities Secretary earlier this month over her expenses claims, including revelations that she avoided paying capital gains tax on a property sale.

Community magazine Salford Star is urging residents’ associations and trade unions to back the initiative.

Hazel Blears survives: here.

Victimization of an expenses scandal whistleblower: here.

6 thoughts on “Campaign against corrupt Blairite politician Hazel Blears

  1. Cushy BT job for ex-trade minister

    POLITICS: Former trade secretary Patricia Hewitt has been appointed to a key board role at telecoms giant BT.

    Ms Hewitt, who is retiring as MP for Leicester West at the next general election, has sat on the board of the company since March last year.

    She was paid £75,000 by BT for the year to March 31, but this is likely to rise to more than £100,000 when she takes on the new role of senior independent director next month.


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