European elections, first exit poll results

Today, there were elections for the European parliament, in Britain; and in the Netherlands.

In other European Union countries, these elections will be on Sunday.

In Britain, the results will not be announced until Sunday night. In the Netherlands however, they are already announced tonight.

In the Netherlands, first exit poll results are:

[the second % with each party is the figure for the last European elections, in 2004]

CDA (Christian Democrat; biggest party in the three party government coalition: 5 seats 24,4% 7 seats

PvdA (somewhat comparable to British Labour; second biggest party in the three party government coalition): 4 seats 23,6% 7 seats

Christen Unie/Reformed Political Party (a coalition of two somewhat fundamentalist Protestant parties. The ChristenUnie is the third biggest party in the three party government coalition): 2 seats 5,9% 2 seats

VVD (a “secular” version of British Conservatives): 3 seats 13,2% 4 seats

D66 (sister party of British Liberal Democrats): 3 seats 4,2% 1 seat

GreenLeft (more like Irish or German than like British Greens): 2 seats 7,4% 2 seats

This video is called Willem Bos discusses the Dutch Socialist Party.

Socialist Party (sister party of Sinn Fein, German Left Party, etc.): 2 seats 7,0% 2 seats.

Newropeans (small new party leed by a businessman): no seats –

Europe, advantageous and sustainable (small new party): no seats –

Solidara (non socialist breakaway from Socialist Party) no seats –

Party for Animals (already represented in national parliament): no seats 3,2 0 seats

European Watchdog Party (Rightist; ex-supporters of the late Pim Fortuijn): no seats 2,6 0 seats

The Greens (small party, “ecofundamentalist”): no seats –

PVV (xenophobe extreme Right, led by Geert Wilders. Islamophobic, like BNP in Britain, NPD in Germany, Le Pen in France, Vlaams Belang in Belgium, etc. But says as it does not want to co-operate with those parties, as they are also anti-Semites, while Wilders‘ rhetoric on the Middle East is more Israeli nationalist than the Israeli government): 4 seats –

Liberal Democratic Party (split from the VVD, considering the VVD too hardline Rightist): no seats –

Party for European Politics (small new party): no seats –

Libertas (small new party. Dutch franchise for pan-European party led by Irish businessman Declan Ganley): no seats –

3 thoughts on “European elections, first exit poll results

  1. Libertas on brink of extinction after poll disaster costs €40m

    By ine Kerr Political Correspondent

    Tuesday June 30 2009

    LIBERTAS has sunk into oblivion after forking out up to €40m on its disastrous European campaign, an Irish Independent investigation has found.

    In Ireland alone, the party spent between €600,000 and €700,000 during the 30-day campaign. That figure is much higher when the major billboard campaign — run at an estimated cost of €200,000 before election spending limits came into effect — is factored in.

    Libertas claims all these bills are accounted for from donations and fundraising, with the exception of between €20,000 and €30,000 which will be paid off through “dinners and golf tournaments”, one source said.

    But after running 532 candidates across Europe, just three countries are considering continuing with the Libertas banner — Britain, Estonia and Slovakia.

    The only candidate out of 532 candidates who won election for Libertas, French MEP Philippe de Villiers, confirmed he was no longer a member of the organisation.

    The party’s offices in Dublin, Brussels and London were all closed when the Irish Independent attempted to contact them this week.

    Remaining Libertas members in Ireland are expected to meet in the coming weeks to decide if the party should be wound up, whether a new leader should be elected or if it should return to the status of a “think tank”.

    A list of queries emailed to the Libertas European press office bounced back with a message that the office had closed.

    On contacting the Libertas office in Britain, an operator said the party had moved out of the offices in the election aftermath.

    Across Europe, many candidates have quickly disappeared out of the spotlight.

    “It’s safe to say the party is dead, or maybe just on life-support, with people standing around wondering whether to pull the plug or not,” one source said. Press officers and advisers have been let go, contact email addresses are bouncing back and contact numbers continually ring out unanswered.


    “Our point always was that we were criticising the unelected and it would be hypocritical of us to then carry on with what we were doing when the electorate didn’t vote us in,” another source said.

    Sources insist bills were being paid across Europe. In some cases, such as Britain, a “start-up fund” of around €200,000 had been provided and this was not exceeded.

    In the Netherlands, where chief candidate Eline van den Broek claimed she was owed €350,000 by Libertas leader Declan Ganley, both parties are said to be “in communication” and attempting to sort out the bills. Sources also attempted to play down any reported financial difficulties in Spain and Poland.

    Chloe Woodhead, who ran as a Libertas candidate in the South East constituency in Britain, admitted candidates never had a “breath of a chance” of getting elected. Aside from having only a few months to mount a campaign, they did not have a “fighting chest” and funds were very limited.

    Dublin candidate Caroline Simons declined to be interviewed about her election experience; while attempts to contact Mr Ganley were unsuccessful.

    – ine Kerr Political Correspondent


  2. Czech Muslims want to talk with Wilders

    Wednesday 25 November 2009

    Czech Muslim organisation Libertas Independent Agency is planning to invite MP Geert Wilders to show his short anti-Islam film Fitna and discuss its message with members, news agency ANP reports on Wednesday.

    The agency says earlier this week other Czech political parties rejected a proposed invitation to Wilders from the ruling centre right Civic Democratic Party.

    But Libertas spokesman Lukas Lhotan told ANP showing the film and an open discussion is the best way to tackle anti-Islam sentiment. ‘We have seen what happens when prejudices are ignored, as anti-Semitism was ignored in the 20th century,’ he told ANP.


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