British “new” Labour government’s expenses scandal collapse

This video from Britain says about itself: ‘UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks about his undying admiration for Margaret Thatcher.’

From British daily The Guardian:

Brown losing control of reshuffle as Jacqui Smith leads cabinet resignations

• Revelation ends weeks of speculation about Smith‘s future
• Ministers Tom Watson and Beverley Hughes to quit
Geoff Hoon and Alistair Darling under threat

Tuesday 2 June 2009 …

Smith, who has been at the centre of intense controversy over her expenses claims, apparently told Brown two months ago that she did not want to continue in office. …

The move will pave the way for a overhaul of Brown’s cabinet following what is expected to be disastrous election results for Labour this weekend.

See also here.

2 thoughts on “British “new” Labour government’s expenses scandal collapse

  1. Pingback: Blairism-Brownism drives Labour voters away | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: “New” Labourite Blears resigns in corruption scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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