Public Enemy´s Chuck D interview

This is a live music video of Chuck D, Bring the Noise.

From Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, 13 December 2008, an interview by Saul van Stapele:

Rapper Public Enemy proud of Obama …

Carlton ‘Chuck D’ Ridenhour (48) is the maker of the most praised hip hop album of all time, It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back by Public Enemy, twenty years old this year. Musically and lyrically, it started a new epoch in hip hop. …

Interviewer: In the track Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos you were rapping ‘I’m a black man and I could never be a veteran’. How do you feel about that now?

Chuck D: „I still could not be a veteran. The USA is using its army for personal profits. No, I don´t think that this will change. The government is supported by the business world, by the rich. Just like in the Netherlands, where the rich people still call themselves king or queen. It is rather a ceremonial job here. That is what they want you to believe.” …

Is the reconciliation which Obama seems to support the kind of revolution which is needed right now?

Chuck D: „Yes. Revolution means change. Now, we need another form of change than when we were making It Takes A Nation. Circumstances were different: the Berlin wall was still there, Mandela was in jail, Reagan was president and Thatcher led the United Kingdom. Different times bring different messages.”

3 thoughts on “Public Enemy´s Chuck D interview

  1. Pingback: Rap, other music, and social change | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Black lives matter, movement and music in the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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