Gordon Brown’s Blairism

This parody music video from Britain is called Gordon Brown; to the tune of Golden Brown, by The Stranglers.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Warmed-up Blairism

(Tuesday 06 November 2007)

GORDON Brown‘s advocates within the labour movement, who assured us all that Tony Blair‘s demise would see a qualitative, progressive change in government policies, must be wondering how easily they were conned.

There is little in the Queen’s speech that would have been out of place in the unlamented war criminal‘s list of priorities.

And the underlying themes of imperialist war and neoliberalism are still there, with the commitments to continue the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and to press ahead with privatisation of public services in Britain.

Mr Brown continued his watchword of Labour means business by offering new legislation to free private companies from so-called red tape and essential forms of regulation.

On the other hand, Britain’s most regulated sector – the trade union movement – will have to carry on dealing with the most restrictive regulation in the developed world.

And, despite widespread support on his own back benches and in the trade union movement, he has failed to make any proposal to give equality to exploited agency and temporary workers.

Mr Brown appears to have retreated from his earlier words about an upsurge in council housing and restricts himself now to vague comments about affordable accommodation.

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