Guantanamo torture outrage in Canada

This video from CBC TV in Canada is called Omar Khadr (Guantanamo Bay) Interrogation Tapes.

From Associated Press:

Video footage of a young Canadian Guantanamo detainee causes a public outcry

2008-07-23 02:31:10 –

TORONTO – Video footage released last week of a young Canadian detainee‘s interrogation at Guantanamo has shaken Canadians, prompted much soul-searching and moved many to blame the country’s Conservative government for sullying Canada’s reputation as a caring, compassionate nation.

There have been loud debates in Parliament, and editorials, radio call-in shows and interactive Web sites have been bombarded by opinions from Canadians reacting to the video of Toronto-born terror suspect Omar Khadr sobbing for his mother and pleading for Canada’s help during his 2003 interrogation by Canadian officials at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Khadr’s case is the latest example of an approach by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Tory government that has left Canadians dismayed about their image abroad _ one they feel was already tainted by Harper’s reluctance to sign the Kyoto Protocol; his reticence to stop Canadian troops from transferring Afghan prisoners to local officials following reports that they were being tortured; and his enforcement of security certificates that enables the government to hold terror suspects indefinitely without charges.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has signalled that his Conservative government will once again flout a court decision ordering it to seek the repatriation of Guantánamo Bay detainee and Canadian citizen Omar Khadr. The 22-year-old Khadr is the only citizen of a NATO country still held at the concentration camp: here.

Activists urge Obama to halt military trial: here.

Military show trial of Hamdan opens at Guantánamo Bay: here.

Memos show Bush administration sanctioned torture: here.

5 thoughts on “Guantanamo torture outrage in Canada

    “Where else in the world is someone being prosecuted for a crime who is already serving a life sentence and will continue to serve one if he’s acquitted?”


  2. Posted by: “frankofbos”

    Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:17 am (PDT)

    Armed Service Radio:’yes’ to Rush,’no’ to the Left. And Oops! to
    Tortured Canadian – Bush History,10/18

    Armed Service Radio, which broadcasts to the troops, says ‘yes’ to Rush
    and other conservative hosts, and ‘no’ to progressive views. And a big
    Oops! Sorry! to an innocent Canadian sent off to Syria for torture,
    courtesy of George Bush

    Poor George’s Almanac: 365 Reasons to Fight Against McBush’s 3rd Term!

    Today’s category: Bushisms, Failing the Troops, Human Rights/Human


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