Commercial sale of Triceratops and other fossils

This video says about itself:

Watch as Trixi the triceratops takes a 65 million year journey from living dinosaur to museum fossil.

From British daily The Independent:

Triceratops to reach monster price at auction

Monday, 10 March 2008

For sale: one dinosaur, 24ft long, 65 million years old, only the second fossil of this grandeur ever to go under the auctioneer’s hammer.

Would suit well-endowed museum or very spoilt, dino-mad, four-year-old with large bedroom. Reserve price: €500,000 (£375,000).

For the next six weeks, a two-thirds complete skeleton of a Triceratops horridus (horrible three-horned reptile) will dominate the Christie’s auction show-room in Paris. The dinosaur, with its missing bones replaced by resin replicas, will be the star attraction at what will be, literally, a “monster sale” in the French capital on 16 April.

Other lots include the skull of a sabre-toothed tiger, a titanosaur‘s egg, the skull of a duck-billed dinosaur and the tooth of a plesiosaur, the maritime dinosaur which may, or may not, survive as the Loch Ness Monster.

There is also also a three- tonne meteorite and a remarkable frieze of fossilised fish, 50 million years old, resembling a stone aquarium. The 150 lots, from three private collections, will form Christie’s second annual sale of high-class fossils in Paris. The first auction, in April last year, which raised more than €1m, included a mammoth and a woolly rhinoceros.

The star of this year’s sale is undoubtedly the Triceratops, which is only the second near-complete, large dinosaur skeleton ever to go for public auction. The last, a Tyrannosaurus rex, sold by Sotheby’s in New York 11 years ago, fetched $8m (about £5.1m) and went to the Chicago Museum. The Triceratops was a heavily armoured, vegetarian dinosaur, which protected itself from the marauding T-rex with its three horns and its characteristic, bony, raised collar. It had powerful, beak-like jaws which could crush even the toughest vegetation and is believed to have grazed in packs.

The skeleton on sale in Paris was dug up by a rancher in North Dakota and bought by an unnamed “western European” collector four years ago.

Eric Mickeler, expert in natural history at Christie’s and organiser of the auction on 16 April, says that there is a “growing demand” in Europe for high-class, and high-price, fossils. Previously relics of such quality were sold only in New York and Los Angeles.

Bids are also expected for the Triceratops from the new museums in the Gulf states and, especially, a new natural history museum in Qatar. “There are fragments of the Triceratops in many museums but this is only the fourth example of such a complete skeleton ever to be found,” M. Mickeler said.

The experts warn, however, that fossil auctions and fossil-sales websites are encouraging fossil-hunting on a commercial scale. Several trawlers working from Dutch ports have given up fishing and begun hoovering the seabed for giant dinosaur fossils from the time when the North Sea was a grassy plain.

The last sentence of this report is incorrect: as the ‘North Sea was a grassy plain’ 65 million years after the dinosaurs became extinct; during the Pleistocene Ice Age. So, the Dutch fishing ships find fossils of mammoths, sabre-toothed cats, etc; not of dinosaurs.

Update Triceratops sale: here. And here.

Neanderthal treasure trove ‘at bottom of [North] sea’: here.

Surely, an important fossil like a Triceratops belongs in a public museum, for palaeontologists and the general public to learn from it. Not hidden away in a private collection of some millionaire much more interested in it as a financial investment than in scientific value.

The selling of fossils: more proof that only money speaks (to some): here.

4 thoughts on “Commercial sale of Triceratops and other fossils

  1. Beach dinosaur a horny vegetarian with frills
    5:00AM Wednesday March 26, 2008

    Scientists have discovered a new species of plant-eating dinosaur in Mexico whose large neck frill and three giant horns helped it attract mates and fight predators on a jungly beach 72 million years ago.

    Mexico’s Coahuila desert – now rocky and cactus-filled – was once covered by ocean where dinosaurs of all kinds thrived along the coast and hid from a giant relative of the fierce predator tyrannosaurus rex.

    Palaeontologists say they have found evidence of a new species here related to the triceratops, known to have the largest head of any animal ever to have walked the earth.

    The new species is slightly smaller than most triceratops, but its 900cm horns were just as big. Holes in its neck frill would also have set it apart.

    The scientific name of the new dinosaur will not be revealed until the end of the year, says Scott Sampson, a curator from Utah Museum of Natural History who helped make the discovery with Mexican investigators.

    It will be only the second dinosaur species named in Mexico after scientists in February announced a new duck-billed dinosaur from the same region called velafrons coahuilensis, which cruised the ancient beaches in large herds.

    Scientists say they expect to find evidence of dozens of other new dinosaur and plant species buried in Coahuila’s rich sediment in coming years.

    “This is just the beginning,” said Martha Aguillon, a palaeontologist at the local museum near the Rincon Colorado fossil beds in the northern state of Coahuila.

    The new three-horned species likely used its massive horns to fight off predators.

    But scientists say the flamboyant head armour and neck frills were also an important part of courtship rituals, showing dominance with head-butting battles much like modern-day horned animals such as antelope.

    “That whole section of the head was for sexual display, it was all ornamentation,” said palaeontologist Terry Gates, who works with Dr Sampson at the University of Utah museum and is also one of the scientists behind the velafrons discovery.

    “The females liked it,” he added, with a chuckle.

    Vegetarian dinosaurs like the new three-horned species and the velafrons, a much bigger 10.7m long, had only their size to protect them from vicious predators like a local cousin of the giant t-rex.

    “The tyrannosaur in Coahuila was a little smaller (than the t-rex) but still nothing you would want to run into in a dark alley,” said Dr Sampson. “It was more than 9m long and rather intimidating.”

    The dinosaur discoveries are helping open a window into life in the late Cretaceous Period on the southern tip of western North America.

    The continent at the time was sliced in two by a big inland sea stretching from the Arctic Ocean to Mexico’s Gulf. The lush, tropical environment provided a perfect habitat for a wide variety of wildlife.

    “The land mass these animals lived on was less than one-fifth the size of present-day North America, yet we have all of these different elephant-sized animals,” said Dr Sampson.

    Dr Gates says what makes the area in Mexico unique is evidence of sea levels that rose and receded over a period of thousands of years, forcing animals to adapt to new types of environments or pushing some towards extinction.

    He says clues from millions of years ago can help scientists understand how nature could react to rising sea levels due to climate changes that are melting polar ice caps.

    “We have very little knowledge of the response of land animals to sea level rise,” said Dr Gates. “That’s exactly why I want to do this study.”


    * A new species of plant-eating dinosaur has been discovered.

    * It lived in the Coahuila desert in Mexico, which was once ocean, 72 million years ago.

    * The dinosaur had three 9m horns.

    * These horns may have helped it to attract mates as well as fight off predators.



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