Top Ten documentary films of 2007

This video from the USA is called Body of War – Trailer.

According to Jennifer Merin in the USA:

There were hundreds of documentary films produced during 2007, ranging from the relatively big budget Sicko and xxx years in production Lake of Fire to serious indictments of [wars] in Nanking and No End In Sight. Some documentaries had healthy theatrical runs, others went straight to DVD. Of all, these, in alphabetical order, are my favorites:

1. The Body of War

The Body of War present the heart wrenching story of how 25-year-old Thomas Young, a patriotic young man who enlisted in the military the day after the 9-11 bombings, became a victim of the Iraq War.

Read Review.

US soldiers’ families on the Iraq war: here.

2. For The Bible Tells Me So

In For the Bible Tells Me So, documentary filmmaker Daniel Karslake reveals the ways in which Scripture has been used to discriminate against homoexual men and women, and shows how literal — and oft inaccurate — interpretations of the Bible are causing widespread despair and the destruction of lives.

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6. Nanking

Nanking sheds light on a Chinese holocaust that is little known in the West. Actors Woody Harrelson, Mariel Hemingway and Jurgen Prochnow portray heros who saved thousands of Chinese people from being slaughtered. Several survivors speak out about what they experienced and how it has effected their lives. A very moving and powerful anti-war film.

Read Review.

7. No End In Sight

Political scientist Charles Ferguson gives us a blow by blow description of how America first became entangled in the Iraq War and how the government and military continue to compound the untenable situation.

Read Review.

8. Sicko

Michael Moore applies his very in-your-face style of documentary filmmaking to the business of health insurance in America. Find out just how bad it is….

Read Review.

9. Taxi To The Dark Side

Acclaimed filmmaker Alex Gibney’s Taxi To The Dark Side follows the trail of American military torture of suspected terrorists from the disappearance and death of a taxi driver in rural Afghanistan to Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo. Gibney’s evidence–footage and photographs of victims, interviews with families of those killed and with torture survivors, with former soldier interrogators, military top brass, John Yoo, JAG attorneys, and video clips showing the smug indifference of America’s elected and appointed officials–is absolutely shocking. The film played festivals during 2007, and will release theatrically in January.

10. The Yiddish Theater: A Love Story

The Yiddish Theater: A Love Story is as charming, humorous, convincing, tenacious and relevant as its wonderful leading lady, the actress Zypora Spaisman, who fought heroically to keep her language and culture alive.

Read Review.

MPAA censors “Taxi to the Dark Side”: here.

David Walsh selects his favorite films of 2007: here.

Documentaries awards: here.

Johann Hari: Botox is destroying Hollywood stars’ ability to act: here.

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