Family of Chilean dictator Pinochet jailed for corruption

This video is about Celebrations in Toronto, Canada, of the death of dictator Pinochet.

This video is called The Crimes of Pinochet – Chile.

From the Santiago Times in Chile:


“Not Only Was Pinochet A Human Rights Violator, But He Was Also A Thief

(Oct. 5, 2007) A Chilean judge ordered the arrest Thursday morning of the six surviving family members of former Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet for alleged misuse of public funds.

The six Pinochets – including Pinochet’s wife Lucia Hiriart, his three daughters and two sons – were among the 23 individuals arrested by Judge Carlos Cerda in his investigation into the Pinochet family’s mysterious wealth, first discovered in 2004 when U.S. justice officials revealed Pinochet’s US$8 million bank account in Washington D.C.’s Riggs Bank.

Judge Cerda said he ordered the detentions because of “solid indications that they had participated in the misuse of government funds” during Pinochet’s 1973-90 dictatorship. Pinochet died in December 2006 at age 91 while under indictment on human rights and corruption charges.

4 thoughts on “Family of Chilean dictator Pinochet jailed for corruption

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