The Damned playing Jet boy jet girl, and other songs

This video is British punk band The Damned playing Jet boy jet girl, in 1979, live in San Francisco, USA

Compare this of Plastic Bertrand with Ca plane pour moi.

This is The Damned with their first single and first British punk single, New Rose, 22 October 1976.

This is The Damned live, playing Antipope. Lyrics are here.

In early 1979 I carved a linoleum block portrait of Pat Bag, the enchantingly sinister-looking bass player for The Bags, one of the first and most notorious late 70s punk rock bands in Los Angeles. At their earliest performances band members wore bags over their heads, and each was assured anonymity by taking “Bag” as a last name. It was in ‘79 that the band posed for me; soon after Pat left the group and began performing under her own name, Patricia Morrison. She eventually ended up joining The Damned, the first U.K. punk band to have recorded a single, an album, and to have toured the United States. I remember their 1977 visit to my home city of Los Angeles helped ignite the L.A. punk scene, so it was fitting that in 1996 Morrison married The Damned’s lead singer, Dave Vanian: here.

29 thoughts on “The Damned playing Jet boy jet girl, and other songs

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