Sharks in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Mustelus asterias, starry smooth-hound

From RTV Noord in the Netherlands:

TERSCHELLING – More and more sharks are in the Wadden Sea.

Experts of the Centrum voor Natuur en Landschap [aquarium] on Terschelling say the carnivorous fish now occur more often around the Wadden islands, as there is much food for them.

Shrimp fishermen who bring fish to the aquarium catch more and more dogfish.

They can get about 90 centimeter long.

Some 20 years ago, they were in the Wadden Sea as well.

Also, the starry smooth-hound has been spotted a few times in the Wadden Sea.

The animals eat crabs, small crustaceans, shrimp and young fish.

Video of dogfish embryo inside egg: here.

1 thought on “Sharks in the Dutch Wadden Sea

  1. Pingback: Common smoothhound shark on Texel island beach | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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