Young storks dead, young moorhen alive

This is a video of a common moorhen, feeding its chicks.

Sad news today.

The two adult white storks are still at their nest.

However, their two young have died.

In the castle pond of the nature reserve, two adult moorhens.

Their chick walks on the leaves of water lilies.

Every now and then, they retire into their nest: a basket on poles standing in the water; probably intended as an artificial duck’s nest, but now a moorhen’s nest.

I don’t see the red-eared slider turtle now which I saw last week here.

Neither did Professor Sevenster who lives here; so I was lucky last week.

Two red admiral butterflies on a tree.

A jay.

In the meadow: oystercatchers, northern lapwings.

Shelducks, a redshank, barn swallows flying.

Egyptian goose. Wood pigeon. Grey heron. Lesser black-backed gull.

Back to the castle pond: damselflies. Male and female tufted duck. Great crested grebe. Coots nesting.

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