USA, white supremacist wants to censor African American artist in Florida

This video from the USA says about itself:

John Sims/Dread Scott Notorious A.R.T.

10 Jan 2007

Artist Dread Scott discusses the connection between his piece, “The Proper Way to Hang A Flag” and John Sim’s “Recoloration Project”.

From Associated Press:

Confederate flag hanging from gallows ignites controversy


March 16, 2007

A Confederate flag hanging from a noose on a 13-foot gallows will remain on display, after a local museum rebuffed requests Friday from the Sons of Confederate Veterans to take it down because of what the group feels is an offensive affront to Southern heritage.

The display, entitled ‘The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag,’ is just one of 14 pieces of artwork _ all by the black artist John Sims that the Sons wanted removed from display at The Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science.

The museum announced that it was standing by Sims’ work, part of a larger exhibit called ‘AfroProvocations,’ because it wants to inspire dialogue in the community about a symbol that engenders a diversity of strong responses. It has been on display since Feb. 26. …

But Robert Hurst, commander of the local camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, said Friday he has lost respect for the museum, calling the display ‘offensive, objectionable and tasteless.’ …

Gee, either this Mr Hurst, or his rebel soldier father, surely is the biggest medical miracle of longevity in the world.

As the US Civil War ended with the Confederate army surrendering in 1865. And most real sons of Confederate veterans already being dead in the early twentieth century.

The article continues:

the exhibit _ which also contains a painting of Sims and a noose in front of the flag, and the flag juxtaposed with voting booths from the contested 2000 election

Florida statutes say it’s unlawful to ‘deface, defile or contemptuously abuse’ the Confederate flag, but say it’s also illegal to prevent the display of the flag ‘for decorative or patriotic purposes.’

‘I think that we’re well within the statute,’ Barber said.

Just like the flag itself, the law is up for competing interpretations.


Nevertheless, it is disturbing that today, Florida law still protects a flag standing for slavery, bloody war to keep slavery and to expand it to what were then the Western territories of the USA like Kansas, segregationism, rebellion, and secession.

Somewhat like if in Germany today, the nazi swastika flag would still be protected against defacement.

However, in Germany the swastika is illegal. Not if anti nazis depict it crossed out or being thrown into a dustbin, however.

Kara Walkers cut-paper silhouettes on slavery: here.

The Election of 1860 and Secession—to Preserve Slavery: here.

Was the civil war about slavery? Yes.

The American Civil War: war against slavery: here.

At yesterday’s rally led by Senator Ted Cruz, Tea Party activists marched to the White House with Confederate flags in hand. It’s downright inexcusable.

36 thoughts on “USA, white supremacist wants to censor African American artist in Florida

  1. once agin, for the rather dim on the subject.
    the war between the states was not about slavery.
    but states rights,taxes,big gov.( spell all former entries m.o.n.e.y) not slavery.
    on average the north didnt give a damn one way or the other. their always ready to grab a pat on the back for ending it, but the true motivation was simply to break the south.doubt that? check their track record for helping slaves after 1863.slaves were 4 years under the stars and bars. over 100 under stars and stripes.


  2. You claim the war was not about slavery, but about “states rights”. What states rights? As all serious historians say, the right to keep slavery, called euphemistically by the slave owners “the peculiar institution” distinguishing southern from northern states.

    It is true the federal government post 1863 should have done more for ex slaves. But unfortunately the radical Republicans lost from those willing to compromise with the ex slave owners, and Reconstruction ended prematurely.

    “Slaves were 4 years under the stars and bars. over 100 under stars and stripes.” True, but just because the slaveowners under presidents before Abraham Lincoln saw no need to break up the United States.

    By the way, views on the Civil War aside; how about this attempt now to censor John Sims’artistic freedom and free speech?


  3. History cannot be changed… yet there are those that try. This flag stood for much more than slavery. It stood for Southern Pride and many died for it. I am much more offended by those that desecrate the American Flag… burn it, fly it upside down or beneath the Mexican Flag. America is supposed to be the land of the free yet all our rights are disappearing one by one under the guise of “political correctness”. We no longer have freedom of speech or religion unless it pertains to someone foreign to our land. We have become a land that is losing everything native to us. I am offended that we are no longer guaranteed our American values and rights.


  4. “This flag stood for much more than slavery.” So, you admit it *also* stood for slavery; the principal reason for secession from the United States.

    “It stood for Southern Pride”. Only for white supremacist pride, not for southerners disagreeing with that.

    “We have become a land that is losing everything native to us.” You mean the genocide in the Trail of Tears against Cherokee and other Native Americans? And the persecution of Native American activists like Leonard Peltier, still in jail today as a political prisoner?


  5. The Civil War was not fought over slavery. Unfortunately the victors write history and that’s what they want you to believe. The Conferate Flag does not stand for slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves, only those in the South. People don’t be stupid – read and research become informed. The Conferate Flag is a symbol of truth and heritage not hatred! Respect this flag. The South had the right to secede. Lincoln was a hypocrite and could almost be likened to Saddam Hussein – he ignores Habeas Corpus – he institued Marshall Law without the back up of Congress – he did NOT free the slaves and in fact wanted to round them up and colize Haita with them. People in the North (where I’m from) did not free their slaves – they sold them south. Get your facts straight. The Conferate Flag is a sybol of pride.


  6. While I was born and bread a son of the southern gentleman, I take exception to the idea of those who generally refer to the Civil War as my own mother does as a war of Northern Agression as well as those who attempt to twist history and suggest that the North was less than noble in thier intentions to maintain the union. This war strangely enough still stirs strong emotions on all sides.

    To me I see the Stars and Bars of the confederacy as both a symbol of termendous pride and heritage to some and of one that represent pain an suffering to others. Both sides are right. And still both sides have the right to express themselves under our constitution. I think that both sides as passionate as they appear to be need to understand and be tolerent of the rights of all parties. Personnally I dont know of any southerner that fought in the war between the states nor have I ever met someone of African American decent that was actually a slave and burdened by this symbol.

    Racism – wheather it be by white on Black or Black on white is simply racism. Hiding the the issue under the pretense of anger against or for a cloth symbol such as the stars and bars is racism and intollerence delivered in a different mode.


  7. “The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves, only those in the South.” Soon after, all slavery was abolished.

    Read and research indeed; serious historians, not apologists for racism.

    “Lincoln was a hypocrite and could almost be likened to Saddam Hussein”: why, then, do polls of historians, including conservative historians, consider him to be the best, or one of the three best, presidents in US history?

    “The South had the right to secede.” Not according to the US Constitution.

    “he ignores Habeas Corpus -” There was war then, 1861-1865, right in the outskirts of Washington, DC. Today, George W Bush ignores habeas corpus, because there is a war, of his choice, thousands of miles away in Iraq. Much worse, I’d say. Oh yes, and did the slave owners respect habeas corpus of African American people?

    Oh yes, and please do a spell check.


  8. Slavery wasn’t right, but if you want to condemn the Confederate States’ flag, condemn the American flag because both had legalized slavery. All of the colonies had LEGALIZED slavery before, during, and after the American Revolution. Read their state consitutions. The north started swaying from farming and didn’t need labor like the south. When the south started paying 70% of American taxes and started rebelling from it, a FEW abolishionists (please try and name more than ten main ones) made it into a slave debate. Licoln once said,”If I could end this war without freeing a single slave I would do it, if I could end this war by freeing all slaves I would do it, and if I could end this war by freeing some slaves and not others I would do it.” Let us pay respect to our forefathers and come to someone when they affend you and explain why. I never had someone complain about my beliefs while in my presence, and when someone does I will stop wearing the confederate flag and the Florida confederate flag.


  9. The confederate flag represents; to African-American the ignorance of the “so called” white americans, who think they can put fear into Black Americans, by flying the flag of losers. The politicans do not want Americans united. Most white Americans have the mentality of the Christians in the days of the Roman empire. They are being treated the same way. As long as they have someone to hate they are happy. This could cause an end of a nation.


  10. To Vernell: good to see at least one person reacting to this thread who apparently is not here from some link from some Ku Klux Klan or rather similar Internet forum. I removed the most racist comments in this thread and will continue to do so when necessary.

    To Randi: the South certainly did not pay 70% of US taxes, as it has much less industrial wealth than the North. The North also certainly needed labour for its industries.

    The “FEW” abolitionist [spelling!] leaders had many supporters, including even among part of Southern whites (West Virginia secession from Virginia), and certainly among slaves and ex slaves.


  11. The United States flaf has caused more harm and pain to not only North America but to the world than the Confederate flag ever did. People seem to tread lightly on the fact of slavery in colonial America and the fact that Washington and Jefferson to name a few OWNED slaves. But why stop there, How about the treatment on Native Americans taking all there land from sea to shining sea. Well then what about Mexico and half the southwest it took from them. Keep in my the Mexico did not invade the US it was the other way around. So everyone jump on board and bast the 4 years of the Confederate flag flying it may ease your conscience for the evil the United States flag has does just in this hemispere. Maybe they should put the American flag hanging from the gallows. Now our history lesson over I think I will go and salute my good old Confederate flag.




  13. Administrator, you most certainly have an agenda here. Do you remove all comments not to your liking/mindset? I personally think the hanging or the Confederate flag as it was as ‘art’ was ill-conceived. The museum knew exactly what would transpire. Would it have been ‘art’ if a shirt with “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste” and a black face were hanging upside down from that noose? (Let me guess… this will be deemed racist/small-minded. The Administrator *you* will need to pull it for the good of the blog.)Why don’t you tell me I need to use spellcheck or I’m a Southern illiterate? Do you type with one hand?


  14. Being a member of the Sons of confederate vetrans I take offense to the fact that the SCV are being portrayed as a white supremacy group.That is simply not true.The members of the SCV include both black and white decendants of confederate vetrans.The SCV is a group dedicated to the preservation of the memory of these brave and honorable men whether they were black or white, by placing memorial markers on their graves, and getting the true history to the people of america.Not every thing you were taught in scool is true.I am also offended by the fact that hate groups use the battle flag as a symbol for there less than honorable and hateful cause, which is the reason that most african americans find it offensive.I find no offence with the fact that the artist,for he has the right given to him by the constitution to let his opinion be presented as he chooses.If you are offended by this display simply don’t go to this museum. we have enough problems with the present to be fighting over things that took place more than 150 years ago.We have a new enemy to deal with today in terrorism . we should all be proud of our heritage whether it be southern, northern ,black or white.we need to come together and concentrate on the problems of today.may God bless all AMERICANS.


  15. Being a member of the Sons of confederate vetrans I take offense to the fact that the SCV are being portrayed as a white supremacy group.That is simply not true.The members of the SCV include both black and white decendants of confederate vetrans.The SCV is a group dedicated to the preservation of the memory of these brave and honorable men whether they were black or white, by placing memorial markers on their graves, and getting the true history to the people of america.Not every thing you were taught in scool is true.I am also offended by the fact that hate groups use the battle flag as a symbol for there less than honorable and hateful cause, which is the reason that most african americans find it offensive.I find no offence with the fact that the artist,for he has the right given to him by the constitution to let his opinion be presented as he chooses.If you are offended by this display simply don’t go to this museum. we have enough problems with the present to be fighting over things that took place more than 150 years ago.We have a new enemy to deal with today in terrorism . we should all be proud of our heritage whether it be southern, northern ,black or white.we need to come together and concentrate on the problems of today.may God bless all AMERICANS.


  16. Being a member of the Sons of confederate vetrans I take offense to the fact that the SCV are being portrayed as a white supremacy group.That is simply not true.The members of the SCV include both black and white decendants of confederate vetrans.The SCV is a group dedicated to the preservation of the memory of these brave and honorable men whether they were black or white, by placing memorial markers on their graves, and getting the true history to the people of america.Not every thing you were taught in scool is true.I am also offended by the fact that hate groups use the battle flag as a symbol for there less than honorable and hateful cause, which is the reason that most african americans find it offensive.I find no offence with the fact that the artist,for he has the right given to him by the constitution to let his opinion be presented as he chooses.If you are offended by this display simply don’t go to this museum. we have enough problems with the present to be fighting over things that took place more than 150 years ago.We have a new enemy to deal with today in terrorism . we should all be proud of our heritage whether it be southern, northern ,black or white.we need to come together and concentrate on the problems of today.may God bless all AMERICANS.




  18. To lynn #16: “Do you remove all comments not to your liking/mindset?” Certainly not, as I did not remove your earlier comment, as you may have noted. However, I certainly did remove comments calling for the lynching of artist Sims etc., and will continue to do so.


  19. What about freedom of speech? Let him go, it only shows his view. Like it or not it is meaningless just like his “art”. WWho should really care, in the span of time he is going to leave an impression about as great as a good pinto bean fart. Concentrate on something meaningful.


  20. Please refer back to #8. I’m not, nor descended from, a southern gentleman; but a Massachusetts Yankee, and certainly agree with Mr. White. The war was fought over complex issues; but has been reduced to the single issue of slavery by a combination of liberal academians and both the entertainment and printed media. “To the victor belong the spoils.” really is (see #7) “To the victor belong the history books.”

    Perhaps my prespective isn’t right on center, but I see the end of the war as the begining of that gradual subjugation of individual and group rights to Federal oversight and mandate. Who won the war? Not us.

    Was slavery bad? Yes, as bad as bigotry by any group towards any group. Bigoty isn’t right whether practiced by whites toward blacks, blacks to whites, blacks and whites towards Arabs, or any of the other dozens of combinations of race, religion, gender, national origin, hair color… Well, you get the idea. Bigoty, as a friend of mine has so often said, is learned at the mother’s (and father’s) knee. It’s time we broke the cycle. Mr. Smith certaily shows it can be done. Mr. Hurst, and possibly Mr. Sims, show it isn’t always done.


  21. To RCL #23: “possibly Mr. Sims”. Mr. Sims’ work of art opposes certain ideas and institutions like slavery. That is a far cry from calls of some of the commenters here (mostly deleted, as one example of extreme bigotry is enough) to lynch human beings like Mr. Sims or the Rev. Jesse Jackson.


  22. The Civil War was just plain wrong. It dosen’t matter who started it or who was right or wrong, what mattered is that it started and too much American blood was spilled and probably for the very reasons that I witness in some of these comments. Why must we refer to each other as the North, South, East or West? Why not just Americans. My parents came from Italy and [I guess????] that makes me of Italian descent, but I don’t fly the Italian flag. Why? because I was born here in America and the Stars and Stripes are the simbol of this country and that is the only flag I will fly. I have watched Baseball and Football games where people [who go through the process of becoming American citizens] fly the flag from the country they have abandoned. This infuriates me to no end. If one is so proud of that country and he/she wants to wave a foreign flag in our face, then why are they here? why did they want to become a citizen of the United States?
    Why don’t we all just stop being Northerners, Southerners, Westerners or Easterners? Why don’t we stop being Italian’s, French Irish, Black’s, German’s or anything other than the Americans that we are. We fight each other with words and hopefully it will never get to the point where the we kill each other again, like the different factions are doing in Iraq. I am no better than anyone, and no one is any better than me. Dialogue is a neat way to express ones views, But not from a sectarian perch. that is where the problems begin.
    God Bless America and all it’s inhabitant’s.


  23. And my reply to you:
    To lynn #16: “Do you remove all comments not to your liking/mindset?” Certainly not, as I did not remove your earlier comment, as you may have noted. However, I certainly did remove comments calling for the lynching of artist Sims etc., and will continue to do so.

    But you added your comment and paraphrased mine incorrectly, ‘etc’. Was it to insinuate that I wrote something that I did not, ‘etc’? I also noticed that you did not ‘remove’ #3 which points to the proper way to hang Jesse Jackson, etc.


  24. Reply to #26: My reply to you, in #9, quoted you directly. It did not contain the expression ‘etc.’

    I indeed, as I explained in #4, did not remove the extremely racist comment #3. But I did remove all later similar comments, as one pathetic expression of racist lunacy is enough. If you know one, you basically know them all …

    [fwd, because of quirk in anti spam program did not let it through otherwise:]
    Author : Queen of Sheba
    URL :
    The adjective for white “supremists” is incorrect. It is more like white “terrorists”, because the thought process is devisive and one that desires to conquer and oppress another race, gender, national origin etc. For African Americans, the Confederate Flag is akin to flying a Swastika for people of Jewish descent. No matter what the history was, it represents a time when our our men were castrated, whipped, chained, set on fire, gassed, starved to death, killed for speaking our native tongue and learning how to read and our women were raped while our children were torn from our bosoms. Only a sick group of people would be proud of this and want to memorialize it by hanging a flag at a time when these acts of inhumane civilization were considered legal. I pray that America has elevated its consciousness in 2007.


  25. Americans-you need to read the REAL history books, get over it already , there’s more going on in this United States right now than we can handle, WE’RE AT WAR PEOPLE-What are you doing to yourselves? Why can’t you just get some of the truth in the history and leave the flag alone.yes slavery was very wrong, but it had nothing to do with the Confederate Flag except it happen to flying at th time.THERE IS STILL SLAVERY GOING ON ALL over THE WORLD, GET OFF OF IT AND HELPS OTHERS WHO NEED HELP, CHECK INTO IT , IT’S REALLY SAD, or sit on your ass while ohers need your help.


  26. To #28: “yes slavery was very wrong, but it had nothing to do with the Confederate Flag except it happen to flying at th time.” The Confederate flag would not have flown, if Abolitionism would not have become stronger (including among some Southern whites), leading to the election of Lincoln, who, contrary to his predecessors, the slavocracy feared, might take anti slavery measures, certainly preventing its expansion to the West, where slave owners tried to expand it violently in areas like Kansas.


  27. *Mr. Giuliani Goes South*
    Posted by: “hapi22” robinsegg
    Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:16 am (PST)

    For someone who claimed to be comfortable with the diversity New Yorkers
    cherish, Rudy Giuliani has certainly made a swift transformation into
    being comfortable with Southern bigotry and race hatred.

    Rudy may be a fool but he is NOT unaware of the meaning behind the
    urge to fly the Confederate flag over Southern capitols. He knows
    perfectly well that it is all about issuing a warning to blacks that
    they are not welcome or wanted wherever that flag is flown. Rudy KNOWS
    that and, still, he is so hungry to be president and exert even more
    power than he did as NYC mayor that he will say anything or do anything
    he can to win white racists’ votes.

    Shame on Rudy.

    Rudy Giuliani, Panderer Extraordinaire

    ****Mr. Giuliani Goes South**

    The New York Times, editorial

    April 12, 2007/

    Americans are weary enough of presidential candidates who blurt out
    one of those intellectually dishonest sound bites known as “the pander”
    when they are caught in the last moments of a do-or-die race. But what
    are they to make of a candidate who goes straight to the pandering, with
    comments that are offensive to millions of people?

    That’s what we found ourselves asking when Rudolph Giuliani told
    reporters in Alabama that it should be up to the state to decide whether
    to fly the Confederate battle flag over its Capitol. Never mind that the
    flag has not flown there for nearly 15 years. Never mind that nobody is
    pushing to return it. Never mind that lawsuits have been decided on this
    issue and that millions of Americans find the standard to be a symbol of
    slavery and repression.

    Explaining his let-them-fly-flags philosophy, he declaimed that one of
    the “great beauties” of American government is that “we can make
    different decisions in different parts of the country.”

    [NOTE FROM ME: Does that mean Rudy favors letting the South return
    to legalizing slavery? How about if a Southern state passes a law
    making it okay to spit on blacks? Is that also okay with Rudy? ]

    He added: “We have different sensitivities.”

    Mr. Giuliani cannot truly believe the issues surrounding the Confederate
    flag are just a matter of local taste. The Civil War, the civil rights
    movement and the Supreme Court answered that question. Even the Southern
    states have largely moved on.

    If he missed all of that, surely he noticed how Senator John McCain
    humiliated himself in 2000 over the flag in a vain attempt to win the
    primary in South Carolina. There is no excusing that pandering, but at
    least the flag was an issue that year in that state. In 2007, Mr.
    Giuliani simply looks as if he wants to convince voters that no matter
    what his beliefs are, they should vote for him anyway because he’s
    prepared to put them aside.

    He said he believes in the right to own guns, but he would let the
    states decide how to regulate them. The other day he said he was for
    abortion rights and preened about his political courage. Then he refused
    to say whether states should spend public money on abortions or require
    a woman to view an ultrasound picture of her fetus before an abortion.

    Mr. Giuliani ought to stop waving in the wind, because that would be the
    right thing to do. It is also not working. Southern political
    strategists said he’s too moderate on abortion and pronounced him dead
    in their states. In Alabama, the local press mocked him for failing to
    recognize an actual Confederate battle flag on a flagpole. Americans
    know a pander when they see one.

    Read this at:


  28. Virginia Text Will Be Revised; Black Confederates, Brown Bear To Be Removed

    Categories: Race in America, Education

    by Bill Chappell

    The Virginia history textbook that sparked outrage by claiming that thousands of blacks fought on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War will be amended, its publisher says.

    Until the new books are available, the publisher, Five Ponds Press, is reportedly offering white stickers to cover up the sentence, which reads: “Thousands of Southern blacks fought in the Confederate ranks, including two black battalions under the command of Stonewall Jackson.”

    The passage was included in the book Our Virginia: Past and Present. Its author, Joy Masoff, said that she had first found the references to black Confederate soldiers on the Internet.

    Masoff found the references on sites related to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an organization for descendants of Confederate soldiers. Members of that group have insisted that blacks fought on the side of the South in the Civil War.

    As an article in The Washington Post reported last week, “The issues first came to light after College of William & Mary historian Carol Sheriff opened her daughter’s copy of Our Virginia and saw the reference to black Confederate soldiers.”

    The revised book will also omit a photo of a brown bear that is not native to Virginia, according to the Associated Press.

    The controversy has also led to discussions of changing the process Virginia uses to review and approve textbooks.

    See also here.


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