New snake species discovered in Australia

Coastal taipan

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports:

Researchers discover new species of taipan

Australian researchers say they have found a previously undiscovered species of taipan.

The young snake has been found in the central deserts of Western Australia as part of a biodiversity survey.

It was initially thought to be a brown snake, but Professor Steve Donellan from the South Australian Museum says DNA testing revealed it to be an unknown species of taipan.

He says there are only two other known species of taipan in Australia, and the last one was found 125 years ago.

“You don’t find a big venomous species of snake very often anywhere in the world, especially in a country like Australia which is relatively well explored, so it’s a big find,” he said.

“[For] people who are interested in reptiles, this would be an outstanding find.”

The taipan has been preserved at the WA Museum.

See also here.

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