Under Blair, British children worst off of industrial countries

This is a video about child poverty in Britain.

From the blog of John McDonnell, British Labour MP and critic of Tony Blair:

UK children worst off in industrialised world

Today’s UNICEF report blows the lid on the New Labour rhetoric about focusing on child poverty.

Inequality in the UK has grown under Brown‘s Chancellorship, and we have missed even our own moderate targets on reducing child poverty.

This independent report puts the UK bottom among 21 industrialised nations for child well-being – and is a result of long-term trends that started under the Tories and have continued under New Labour.

See also here.

And here.

Just above Blair’s Britain, the UNICEF report ranks the USA of George W. Bush, Blair’s pal, at #20 of 21.

Every cent they spend on killing Iraqi children, of course, is not spent to benefit US American or British children …

Children dying of hunger: here.

Racial and gender inequality in UK: here.

12 thoughts on “Under Blair, British children worst off of industrial countries

  1. Hi Kitty, Great point about how much is spent killing Iraqi children. And thanks for the John McDonnell quote. I found your blog on technorati using the Watchword Unicef. There are lots of blogs coming in on the report, and CBS just ran it. I think it’s the most damning indictment of years of Thatcherism, or whatever you want to call putting individual wealth before education, health, employment and so on. Could you go to Technorati, and vote for my WTF (Where’s the fire) entry, ‘Unicef Report Slams UK Children’? We might just topple Anna Nicole Smith from the top of the blogs. :->


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