Katharina Mouratadi photos on anti-capitalist globalization struggle

This video about Bolivia is called RIGHT TO WATER – COCHABAMBA.

From London daily The Morning Star:

Voices against global injustice

(Monday 05 February 2007)

BOOK: Venceremos: The Other Globalisation by Katharina Mouratadi
(Edition Braus, £16.50)

NICK WRIGHT comes face to face with the global justice movement with the help of top photographer Katharina Mouratadi.

Oscar Olivera works in a Bolivian shoe factory.

“This workers’ culture,” he says, “to organise themselves, to struggle, to declare one’s solidarity, is one further element that has shaped my life – just like the moral, spiritual or also human reference points of people such as Che Guevara, the Zapatistas, Mahatma Gandhi and Christ, although I am not a Christian.”

Olivera is a workers’ leader in Cochabamba and led a notable citizens’ campaign to defend their water supply from World Bank-sponsored privatisation that would have resulted in a 200 per cent price rise.

Bolivian painter Fernando Montes: here.

Censorship on street photography in Britain? See here.

Photographer Lee Miller: here.

Venture capitalists: here.

The first large-scale study of the risks that countries face from dependence on water, energy and land resources has found that globalisation may be decreasing, rather than increasing, the security of global supply chains: here.

6 thoughts on “Katharina Mouratadi photos on anti-capitalist globalization struggle

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