Support victims of Agent Orange bombing in Vietnam

This video is about the consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam.

From the Google cache.

Support victims of Agent Orange bombing in Vietnam

Linking: 17 Comments: 9

Date: 3/2/05 at 6:45PM

Mood: Thinking Playing: Feel like I’m fixing to die rag, by Country Joe

Dear Guest,

Please sign this petition to support victims of Agent Orange bombing in the Vietnam war.

From AMERICAblog:

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Chemical weapons lawsuit starting in US

by Chris in Paris

And we’re not talking about Saddam. I was in southern Vietnam during the buildup to the invasion of Iraq and will never forget hearing Bush&Co. blabbering on every day about chemical weapons in Iraq while I was seeing severely deformed people of all ages including children, suffering from Agent Orange side effects even thirty years after the US left Vietnam.

The girl in the photo in this article looks mild compared to many of the victims who often have sticks as legs or their hands and arms look like balloons. For some reasons those words spoken by Bush just rang hollow for me.

Monsanto and Dow are using the old “we were ordered to do it” argument. Hmm, and it worked so well for the German chemical companies after WWII.

See also here.

Vietnamese film: here.

Torture in Vietnam war: here.

9 thoughts on “Support victims of Agent Orange bombing in Vietnam

  1. Last letter of Vietnamese fighter before his execution
    ==================== ===============
    Vietnam News Agency

    Comrade Huynh An Khang, from Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, a member of the
    Communist Party of France, used to be an international fighter joining
    battles against fascists in France. He came to France to work as a worker
    and studied by himself for B.A degrees in literature and Greek language.
    Having married to a German woman, he lived with his wife for five years and
    had a son. He was executed by German fascist on October 22, 1941 in Choisel
    camp in France.

    We would like to introduce readers his translated letter which had been sent
    to his wife a few hours before he was executed…

    2pm, Wednesday October 22, 1941
    Choisel camp

    My loving German girl,

    Be courageous, my love
    This will surely be the last time I write to you. Today, I’m still alive.

    We are temporarily detained in an empty ramshackle wooden house, with about
    20 comrades, who are ready to die with bravery and dignity.

    You will not be ashamed of me. You should have much courage to live, much
    more courage than I have to die.

    But you must absolutely live. Because there is our beloved child who you
    will tightly embrace when you meet him again.

    Now you will live with memoirs about me, with our happy memoirs, with five
    years of happiness which we live together

    Farewell my love

    Kiss you. With my last loving care
    Give my affectionate kisses to your parents

    Huynh Khang An


  2. Thu, 2 Mar 2006 09:59:34 EST
    Subject: Re: Digest Number 1353

    The Vietnam war. A gift that just keeps on giving.

    The US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) now concedes that roughly 200 people are totally disabled as a result of a parent’s exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. The VA calls these 200 unlucky people “Level III” Spina Bifida children. They are paid a small monthly stipend by the VA and provided with limited medical care. Unlike an actual veteran with a total disability resulting from military service who gets a fairly comfortable disability stipend. And full medical care.

    My profoundly handicapped stepdaughter Honey Sue, age 34, is one of the 200 A/O Kids. Her biological father spent 8 years in the Marine Corp during the Vietnam war. Including 3 tours of duty as an Infantryman in combat in Vietnam. Honey Sue was conceived after his Vietnam service. And born with spina bifida and other birth defects. The VA concedes this was most likely caused by A/O. Consequently she receives some compensation. But most of her medical needs are not met by the VA’s program and she can’t get private health insurance. So we rely on welfare and charity for her medical care. Sadly In the welfare programs we must often fight like angry dogs over scraps to get the medical care she needs. .

    Only because of the help of the Shriners and Elks can Honey Sue walk and talk and see to ambulate. My wife Suzanne, with my small help, lovingly provides 24 hour per day 7 day per week aid and attendance care for Honey Sue. My wonderful Suzanne uncomplainingly counts the time between “days off” from attending Honey Sue in years. Not weeks or months. Year after year. Because the VA’s tight fisted compensation program specifically excludes help with aid and attendance care.

    Suzanne and I are fast becoming elderly. Who will protect and care for Honey Sue when we are no longer able? The answer should be; “A grateful nation.. In whose service Honey Sue’s many sacrifices were placed upon her before her very conception.” But the US Congress ignores the 200 A/O Kids. They are seemingly too few and too powerless to attract much Congressional interest.

    Please help us to get the attention of the US Congress for these 200 innocent casualties of friendly fire. Honey Sue’s total disability is conceded by the VA to be a result of her birth father’s military service. She is clearly owed full medical compensation. No less she than any war veteran disabled as a result of his military service. We are asking Congress for owed compensation not welfare or gifts.

    Please raise your powerful voice to prod the US Congress to action.

    Ron Nesler


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