The Netherlands: ding dong, the witch Verdonk is dead!

Rita Verdonk and refugees, cartoon from Socialist Party site

The new Dutch parliament, elected on 22 November, has decided it has no longer confidence in hardline (anti-)immigration minister Rita Verdonk of the outgoing government.

After Ms Verdonk of the old government said she defied an earlier decision by the new parliament to stop expelling refugees from The Netherlands, 75 MPs voted for, 72 against, a proposal to censure her for this.

Parties voting for this censure: Socialist Party, PvdA (Labour), Green Left, Christian Union, D66 (“liberal” in US sense), Party for Animals.

Today, the old government is meeting to decide what to do.

2 thoughts on “The Netherlands: ding dong, the witch Verdonk is dead!

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  2. Pingback: Dying Dutch girl saves Afghan refugee’s life, education | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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