New Zealand singer Kiri Te Kanawa helps protecting native pigeon

This video is called New Zealand Wood Pigeon – Amazing Kereru.

This music video from New Zealand says about itself:

Kiri Te Kanawa – Pokarekare Ana

1 January 2014

Dame Kiri Te Kanawa singing the Maori love song on the beach in New Zealand at sunrise of New Years Day 2000. Her performance started the worldwide Millennium celebrations and was watched by millions.

From the New Zealand Herald:

Songbird hits right note in bid to save native pigeon

Wednesday July 26, 2006

By Anne Beston

The country’s best-known songstress is coming to the aid of a bird that doesn’t sing, isn’t very bright and has a reputation for drunkenness.

Dame Kiri Te Kanawa has agreed to be patron of the $150,000 Kereru Discovery Project headed by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa in partnership with Wellington Zoo and Victoria University and due to be launched next month.

The aim is to halt the population decline of the endangered native wood pigeon, thought to be up to 20 per cent every decade.

The project includes advice on what home gardeners can do to attract the birds and a website on which city dwellers can register their properties so they can supply information about kereru in their backyards.

Apart from their size and striking iridescent-green colouring, kereru are known for their comical antics in spring and summer when they become drunk from gorging on berries which ferment in their stomachs.

Because of that, every year birds end up at the Department of Conservation or bird rescue centres.

7 thoughts on “New Zealand singer Kiri Te Kanawa helps protecting native pigeon

  1. Bank exec accused of stealing from opera star

    Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer

    Thursday, April 23, 2009

    An Alameda bank manager will appear in court today after being arrested for allegedly embezzling more than $650,000 from acclaimed opera star Kiri Te Kanawa.

    Sokvoeun Sou, 27, who goes by the name Cindy, stole money from Te Kanawa’s individual retirement account while working at the Bank of Alameda on Island Drive on Bay Farm Island, said Alameda police Detective Greg Ella.

    “She knew she was an opera singer, and she knew she had a very large IRA and she knew that she was living abroad,” Ella said. “She selected her as a victim for those reasons.”

    Sou was caught after an accountant for Te Kanawa received tax forms for transactions that the singer didn’t recognize, Ella said.

    Sou was arrested at the bank Tuesday on suspicion of embezzlement, forgery and an enhancement alleging that the loss is more than $200,000.

    Police said the bank intends to reimburse Te Kanawa. Stephen Andrews, president and CEO of the bank, did not respond to a request for comment.

    Te Kanawa, a native of New Zealand, was one of the world’s leading sopranos for more than 30 years and won a Grammy Award in 1984. She made regular appearances with the San Francisco Opera from 1972 to 1993.

    Now 65, Te Kanawa retired from the opera in 2004, but still performs in concerts. She made what was billed as her farewell Bay Area appearance in a recital at the Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium in September 2007.

    A representative for the singer was unavailable.

    Sou, who began working at the Bank of Alameda in 2007, made six withdrawals in the form of cashier’s checks from Te Kanawa’s IRA account over the past year, Ella said. The total loss was $651,715.

    A sister of Sou, who would not give her name, expressed shock at the allegations Wednesday, saying, “I believe she is an honest person. To me, she’s a really innocent and nice person.”

    Relatives said Sou gave birth to a baby girl three months ago. Sou told police that she had just bought a house in San Leandro and had financial problems, authorities said.

    She also said she owed relatives money, Ella said.

    E-mail Henry K. Lee at


  2. Norwegian tourists kill endangered Kiwi wildlife

    Fri, 26 Mar 2010 6:25p.m.

    By Lachlan Forsyth

    The Department of Conservation is investigating whether charges can be brought against a group of visiting hunters from overseas, after they posted pictures of themselves on line killing protected native birds.

    The Norwegian hunters are shown taking pot-shots at a variety of game in the South Island high country.

    Chamois, hare and even wallaby fell victim to the shooters.

    But it’s the shooting of a totally protected kereru that has conservation minister Kate Wilkinson fuming.

    “I’m appalled. I think it’s despicable” she said.

    The men, who only give their first names, spend the rest of their time shooting, fishing and rubbing sunscreen on each other.

    Killing a native wood pigeon can earn a $100,000 fine or six months in prison.

    Ms Wilkinson doesn’t think this goes far enough.

    “Is that enough? I don’t think it is. Personally I’d like to stop these guys ever coming back into the country.”

    The hunters also killed and prepared a protected paradise shelduck

    Ric Cullinane, from Fish and Game says it is not only the death of the animals which is disturbing.

    “They’ve broken laws around hunting without a license, hunting outside a season and using a rifle” he explains.

    Mr Cullinane says ignorance is no excuse.

    “There’s no information given to visitors about hunting regulations, but I’d be surprised if people’s attitudes were they could come here and just lay waste to our wildlife” he says.

    Ms Wilkinson is devastated at the impact the hunters have had.

    We spend a lot of time and effort protecting our native birds and cherishing our native birds and to have idiots like that shoot them. I think it’s just horrific.”

    Authorities believe the men are now well out of range in Norway.


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