Britain: London police admit ‘terrorists’ are innocent

Forest Gate area, London

From the British Broadcasting Corporation:

Two men arrested after a raid on a house in east London have been released without charge, Scotland Yard said.

Police questioned two brothers, one of whom was shot during the raid, on suspicion of terrorism involvement.

Mohammed Abdul Kahar, 23, and Abul Koyair, 20, both denied the allegations.

They were held after a major raid in Forest Gate last Friday.

Police are continuing their search for chemical materials elsewhere after finding nothing at that house.

The only ‘chemicals’ found were aspirin …

See also here.

From London daily News Line:

Saturday, 10 June 2006

APOLOGISE! Forest Gate residents condemn raid

Demonstrators in Forest Gate denounce Blair as the terrorist and demand the police apologise for the raid on a local working class family

Hundreds of youth and workers demonstrated outside Forest Gate police station denouncing the capitalist state and declaring that ‘Tony Blair is the terrorist!’

They were corralled and penned in a side road opposite by police who also made a defensive line around the police station, one hundred yards away across the main road.

Demonstrators carried placards denouncing the terror operation against a local working class family, the police shooting of a young postman and injury to his mother.

Workers and youth called for an apology for the shooting and detention without charge of postman Abdul Kahar, as well as the detention of his younger brother Abul Kohair, a Tesco worker.

Leaders of the rally shouted ‘we are demonstrating against the shooting of a Muslim.

‘Police say if you’re Muslim, you’re a terrorist.

‘We are not the guilty ones. Tony Blair is the guilty one.

He sent his army into Iraq.

‘They tell us we should be silent, be respectful but it is the police who are doing the crime.’

Demonstration on Sunday 11 June: here.

2 thoughts on “Britain: London police admit ‘terrorists’ are innocent

  1. Pingback: Over 4,000 London demonstrators against ‘anti-terrorist’ violence | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: London demonstration against police violence against innocent ‘terrorist’ brothers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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