Britain: London police boss may face charges on killing of innocent Brazilian De Menezes

Commemoration of Jean Charles de Menezes in London

From British daily The Independent:

De Menezes: Sir Ian Blair may face charges

By Jonathan Owen

Published: 04 June 2006

In the latest development in the long-running saga since the fatal shooting of 27-year-old Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes last year, the Crown Prosecution Service is reported to be considering bringing possible civil charges against Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and Britain’s most senior police officer.

According to The Observer newspaper, Sir Ian and two of his senior commanders are named in a CPS report into the bungled shooting at Stockwell Tube station last July.

The report, a review of the findings of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) inquiry into the De Menezes shooting, is said to be virtually complete.

See also here.