Pro-peace demonstration in Tel Aviv, Israel

This video from Israel says about itself:

Tel Aviv: 5000 protest assault on Gaza

About 5,000 people protested in Tel Aviv on Saturday July 26, 2014 against Israel’s assault on Gaza; about 500 people counter-protested in support of the assault on Gaza.

By Fred Mazelis:

Internationally renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim speaks out in sympathy with the Palestinians

29 July 2014

Amidst the chauvinist hysteria being whipped up in Israel and the lies and propaganda from media outlets that support the Zionist state, one prominent voice has spoken out courageously against the latest Israeli onslaught on Gaza, which has already taken the lives of more than 1,000 Palestinians, including hundreds of women and children.

Daniel Barenboim, the world-famous Israeli conductor and pianist, who has for many years opposed the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, issued a brief but heartfelt statement, “Both Israelis and Palestinians are losers in this conflict,” which was published in the British Guardian newspaper. …

Barenboim reflects the opinions of many Israelis whose voices are being drowned out in the campaign to mobilize public opinion behind the latest invasion. Thousands have protested, and many more have begun to see the dead end of the militarization of Israeli society and the whipping up of the kind of social backwardness that led to the recent revenge killing of a Palestinian youth.