Neil Young opposes Trump, supports Sioux protesters

This 4 July 2020 video about the USA says about itself:

Last night, Donald Trump held a rally near Mount Rushmore on the land of the Ogala Lakota Sioux, with the mountain itself being sacred. This angered Neil Young, especially when his song Rockin’ in the Free World and others were played without permission. He tweeted the following: “I stand in solidarity with the Lakota Sioux & this is NOT ok with me”

It’s also the case that the song’s lyrics criticize America, especially from a progressive perspective.

This was part of a scene where Trump’s white base was encroaching on Black Hills Native American land, and absurdly telling those people to go home and go back to where they came from, even though they have lived on these lands for thousands of years in some cases. Trump supporters shouted ‘go home’ at Native Americans protesting Mount Rushmore rally on their land.

This 4 July 2020 video about the USA says about itself:

Chairs Ziptied together at Trump’s Mount Rushmore Rally, Preventing Social Distancing

As it is being reported by CNN’s Jim Acosta, Many of the seats at Trump’s South Dakota Rally and speech tonight at Mount Rushmore are being zip-tied together, guaranteeing no social distancing for scores of people attending the event. This is in addition to the fact that there are no social distancing protocols, and there are no mandatory mask ordinances, meaning masks are optional.

Tying chairs together at Mt Rushmore shows that the Trump campaign doesn’t care about the safety and well-being of attendees, and that they want to have a compact crowd to make for better TV, showing that Trump is putting image and ego ahead of human life.

Trump’s attacks on ‘left-wing cultural revolution’ are an anti-Semitic dogwhistle.

3 thoughts on “Neil Young opposes Trump, supports Sioux protesters

  1. Pingback: Siouxsie singer, Siouxsie guitarist, Siouxsie COVID-19 doctor | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Donald Trump’s USA, racism and police state | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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