French stick insects discovered in the Netherlands

This video from Portugal says about itself:

Atlantic Species | French stick insect Clonopsis gallica

Micro-Documentaries on marine and land species of the Atlantic region produced by the in partnership with Nature tour company!

French stick insect, Bicho-pau, Gallische Mittelmeerstabschrecke, bicho palo, Phasme gaulois.

Clonopsis gallica is a stick insect, a species known for their capacity to mimic leaves and wood branches. It belongs to the Phasmida, a group of leaf and stick insects. With over 2000 species spread around the world, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical regions.

Genus are normally easily distinguished by their overall shape, the shape of head and size of antennae, however, to separate some species it may be necessary to do electron microscopy.

Clonopsis gallica is an obligate parthenogen, producing eggs and offspring without requiring fertilization. It has three stages, the egg, the nymph and the adult, and you may find them in green or in more brownish colour. This species is common in Southern Europe, from France to the Mediterranean coast, North-Western Africa, including Azores and Madeira. These are herbivore insects, presenting no threats to crops, and you can find it active during night periods, and camouflaged during the day.

In 2019, this species has been discovered in the Netherlands; the first time for any stick insect species.

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