Dutch government punishes commoners, not bosses

This 30 March 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Amazon workers at the Staten Island, New York, facility walked off the job on Monday over safety concerns, and Instacart workers are also striking for better working conditions amid the coronavirus crisis. Lisa Gresci of CBSN Boston reports.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

Trade union federation CNV

the ‘moderate’ Christian union federation

says that until now, corporations hardly receive fines if they do not properly protect their employees against coronavirus in the workplace. “While private individuals are fined on a massive scale for violating the health authority coronavirus guidelines, businesses get away scot-free“, said union federation chairman Piet Fortuin. A previous study by the union federation showed that nearly two million [Dutch] workers feel unsafe in the workplace.

“Especially workers in vital sectors that operate out of the sight of customers, such as the food sector and distribution centers, are still unprotected”, said Fortuin. “That the workplace is still not safe is due to inadequate enforcement. The government Inspectorate hardly enforces, out of courtesy to corporations.”

The union wants municipal enforcers and supervisors to enforce. And in case of unsafe situations, such as a lack of protective equipment, too little spatial distance or poor hygiene, they should issue fines. Companies that violate the coronavirus rules risk a fine of 4,000 euros.

3 thoughts on “Dutch government punishes commoners, not bosses

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