Coronavirus update, USA

This 1 April 2020 video from the USA is called Glenn Beck Would Die For The Dow Jones.

‘CLOWN PRINCE’ CRASHES CORONA PRESSER Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser, appeared for the first time at a coronavirus briefing after taking on a central role in the federal government’s response to the pandemic despite having no medical experience. Kushner said that he was working with the “supply chain” task force led by Rear Adm. John Polowczyk, who is heading federal efforts to get much-needed medical equipment to states and hospitals to treat patients with COVID-19. Meanwhile, Politico reported Kushner’s family business could reap major benefits from bailout legislation signed by Trump. [HuffPost]

FAUCI ‘DOESN’T UNDERSTAND’ LACK OF NATIONAL LOCKDOWN Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he doesn’t know why the United States hasn’t instituted a nationwide stay-at-home order amid the spread of COVID-19, saying the country “really should be” doing so to protect American lives. About 297 million people in 38 states and a bevy of cities are under some form of stay-at-home guidelines, although some states have not yet announced any such measures. [HuffPost]

UNEMPLOYMENT EXPLODES, MILLIONS WAITING FOR HELP A record number of Americans who are out of work because of the pandemic. The Labor Department announced that 6.6 million people applied for jobless benefits last week alone. That number is expected to rise ―ultimately, the unemployment rate may hit 32% because of the economic shutdown required to slow the spread of the virus. [HuffPost]

Doctor hailed for truth-telling on Fox News now in isolation.

NEW YORK PAYING 15 TIMES NORMAL PRICE FOR SUPPLIES With the coronavirus outbreak creating an unprecedented demand for medical supplies and equipment, New York state has paid 20 cents for gloves that normally cost less than a nickel and as much as $7.50 each for masks, about 15 times the usual price. It’s paid up to $2,795 for infusion pumps, more than twice the regular rate. And $248,841 for a portable X-ray machine that typically sells for $30,000 to $80,000. The shortage of key medical equipment is driving up prices. [HuffPost]

The New York death industry is on the verge of collapse.

Navy hospital ship docked in New York is “a joke” with just 20 patients.

CUOMO USES BUDGET TO CUT MEDICAID, SETTLE SCORES New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose daily press conferences about the COVID-19 pandemic have turned him into a national media darling, has plans to take $2.5 billion a year out of the Medicaid program. He has struck a deal with state lawmakers to enact a budget that not only cuts billions from social programs, but also punishes his political enemies in the progressive Working Families Party. [HuffPost]

TRUMP’S LABOR DEPT. TAKES HACKSAW TO PAID SICK LEAVE What started out as a valiant effort to provide Americans with paid sick leave during an unprecedented health care crisis has ended with a paltry measure that will barely cover anyone who is still working in the COVID-19 economy. The law made 10 days of paid sick time and 10 weeks more of longer-term leave available to those working at companies with fewer than 500 employees. Millions were left out. [HuffPost]

CONGRESS WANTS DO-OVER ON CORONAVIRUS DEBACLE House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) describes her work on a legislative response to the coronavirus crisis as “Phase Four.” This is misleading. What Pelosi wants, and what seems to be taking place, is a do-over. The bill that she and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rammed through last week misjudged both the nature and scope of the coronavirus calamity, and failed to offer anything approaching an adequate remedy. [HuffPost]

NAVY AXES CAPTAIN AFTER FLAGGING CORONAVIRUS CASES The U.S. Navy relieved the commander of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, who wrote a scathing letter that leaked to the public asking the Navy for stronger measures to control a coronavirus outbreak onboard the ship. The removal of Capt. Brett Crozier from the command of the 5,000-person vessel, which was first reported by Reuters, was announced by acting U.S. Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, who said the commander exercised poor judgment. [Reuters]

New England Patriots jet brings 1.2 million N95 masks from China.

Empire Kosher closes chicken plant after employees test COVID-positive.

This 2 April 2020 video from the USA is called ‘My Pillow’ CEO Says God Gave Us Trump At Covid Press Conference.

FLORIDA EXEMPTS RELIGIOUS SERVICES FROM LOCKDOWN Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) undercut his own stay-at-home order by exempting religious services from that necessary step to slow the spread of the coronavirus. His order carved out a large exception for religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and other houses of worship. deeming them “essential”. [HuffPost]

This 1 September 2020 video from the USA is called Bernie Sanders Calls On Wisconsin To Delay Primary So People Don’t ‘Risk Their Lives’ Voting | MSNBC.

WHY IS WISCONSIN HOLDING AN ELECTION? Judge William Conley’s assessment was blunt. “The state of Wisconsin’s Legislature and governor are not willing to step up and say there’s a public health crisis and make it absolutely clear that we should not be allowing poll workers and voters to congregate on April 7,” the U.S. district judge for Wisconsin’s Western District said at the end of a four-hour hearing. Still, he said he was powerless to postpone the election, which is set to take place Tuesday. [HuffPost]

This 2 September 2020 video from the USA is called Wisconsin Is Doing WHAT During Coronavirus?

UN UNANIMOUS ON RESOLUTION FOR GLOBAL EFFORT AGAINST COVID-19 The U.N. General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution recognizing “the unprecedented effects” of the coronavirus pandemic and calling for “intensified international cooperation to contain, mitigate and defeat” the COVID-19 disease. It was the first resolution adopted by the 193-member world body on the pandemic that is sweeping the world and reflects global concern at the fast-rising death toll and number of cases. [AP]

6 thoughts on “Coronavirus update, USA

  1. Pingback: Online horse racing, cycling this weekend | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. When Navy Captain Brett Crozier sounded the alarm about the dire situation aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the incredible danger his crew was facing with a lack of resources available to fight the coronavirus onboard, he was honorably fulfilling the responsibilities of his station.

    But Capt. Crozier was fired for standing up for the lives of those who served under him, in yet another display of disrespect for our service members shown by Donald Trump and his administrations.

    We launched a petition yesterday as a sign of solidarity with Capt. Crozier, and in just 24 hours we’ve received over 21,000 signatures from veterans, military families, and allies to our movement.

    Lola, join the crew of the Roosevelt and tens of thousands of members of the VoteVets community by adding your name to our petition in solidarity with Capt. Cozier and his display of decisive leadership.


    Real leaders always do the right thing, even when it’s not the easiest option. Since Capt. Crozier’s dismissal, VoteVets has unequivocally supported his actions in defense of the lives of his sailors.

    It’s critical we keep the drumbeat going as Donald Trump and his administration continue to face blowback for their politically-motivated dismissal of Capt. Crozier.

    In a few days, we’ll not only send the names of signers to the Acting Navy Secretary. We’re setting a tentative deadline of midnight on Sunday to get signatures in.

    Add your name today to send a strong message of support for Capt. Crozier and his unflinching loyalty to his crew and to our country.




  6. Pingback: Coronavirus, parody music and news update, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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