Stop British weapons killing Yemeni civilians

This 29 July 2015 video says about itself:

Saudi-Led Coalition Airstrikes Kill Civilians In Yemen

Human Rights Watch has released a report on Saudi-led coalition airstrikes that hit a residential compound in the town of Mokha in Yemen. 65 civilians were killed in this attack alone, bringing the total number of civilian deaths to 1,693 since March 26.

By Ceren Sagir in Britain:

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Anti-arms campaigns call for ceasefire of British-made weapons in Yemen

The country is facing a Saudi-led bombardment which has destroyed hospitals and aid facilities

ANTI-ARMS campaigners demanded a ceasefire of British-made weapons in Yemen today in order to protect the “almost collapsed” healthcare services in the event of a coronavirus outbreak.

Yemen is facing a Saudi-led bombardment which has destroyed hospitals, aid facilities and other vital healthcare infrastructure, leaving services operating at 50 per cent capacity while 24 million people need aid.

On Monday, widespread attacks, including by Saudi Arabian forces, continued the region’s ongoing war, just five days after reports that a ceasefire had been agreed to allow Yemen’s healthcare system to respond to the threat of Covid-19.

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