Women’s football, the Netherlands 2-Russia 0

This Dutch video shows the highlights of the international women’s football match in Eindhoven between the Netherlands and Russia on 8 October 2019. This was a match in a group in which the winning team will qualify for the next European championship tournament.

The Dutch team won, 2-0.

Their first goal was by Daniëlle van de Donk. She was born 10 minutes away from the Eindhoven stadium and played her 100th international match that evening. She has been playing football since she was 4 years old, then in Valkenswaard football club. Her current club team is Arsenal in England.

The second goal was by Vivianne Miedema. She had to cry after scoring, as her grandfather had died last Saturday. She started playing when she was five years old, in HZVV. Arsenal is now her club team as well.

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