Rare spadefoot toads freed

This 18 April 2018 video from the Czech republic is called Common Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus) digging itself to the soil.

Translated from Vroege Vogels radio in the Netherlands today:

On Thursday night, 761 spadefoot toads were freed by ARTIS zoo and the RAVON amphibian protection organization around the Gelderland province town Ewijk and De Poll estate. This is the eighth year that they are committed to the rescue plan of the endangered spadefoot toad.

This toad is one of the most endangered amphibian species in the Netherlands. In order to lend a helping hand to the spadefoot toad, RAVON fished egg strings out of the water in the spring. Then ARTIS animal handlers raised the larvae to become adult toads in a safe environment.

1 thought on “Rare spadefoot toads freed

  1. Pingback: Artis Amsterdam zoo in 2019 | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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