Rare Bermuda petrels in love

This video says about itself:

Bermuda Petrel Breeding Pair Spend Time Front And Center – Oct. 30, 2018

Check out this good-looking couple on the Bermuda Cahow cam show off a number of their distinguishing characteristics. These seabirds have a black, notched bill and dark eyes throughout life. Adults are uniformly gray above. They typically exhibit crowns darker than the back, and the gray of the back continues onto the sides of the breast, creating a “cowled” appearance. Look for white on the chin, throat, breast, belly, undertail coverts, and most of the underwing coverts, with the medium grayish “cowl” slightly segregating the throat from the breast but never meeting mid-breast to form a complete breast band. What a slick-looking pair!

The CahowCam is a collaboration between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Nonsuch Expeditions.

You can watch the cam live at http://allaboutbirds.org/cahows.

5 thoughts on “Rare Bermuda petrels in love

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