Ghanaian ex-United Nations secretary Kofi Annan, RIP

Today, former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has died.

He was born in Ghana. He studied economics and management in the USA. Nevertheless, he did not always agree with United States government policy.

In 2011, when he was no longer UN General Secretary, Annan criticized the NATO war on Libya; which would lead to horrible, still continuing bloodshed and human rights disasters like the reintroduction of slavery; which had been abolished in Libya when it was still legal in, eg, the USA and in the Dutch colonial empire.

In 2015, Annan said that the Iraq war of George W Bush and Tony Blair was the basic cause of ISIS terrorism. Though many others, including then United States President Obama, United States General Michael Flynn and George W Bush’s ex-neo-colonial viceroy in Iraq, Paul Bremer, agree with that, telling this truth still infuriates warmongers in the USA and elsewhere.

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