Texas African American mother calls police, gets arrested

This video from the USA says about itself:

White Cop Tackles Black Mom After She Calls For Help

23 December 2016

A cop in Fort Worth Texas has been placed on limited duty after he responded to a woman’s call that her 7-year-old son was assaulted by a neighbor. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz and Brett Erlich hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

A white cop has been placed on restricted duty Thursday after video surfaced showing him tackling and arresting a black woman who had called police to report her child had been attacked.

The 6-minute, profanity-laced clip posted on Facebook shows the exchange between the woman, Jacqueline Craig, and an unidentified police officer from the Fort Worth Police Department. The cop was responding to Craig’s call to police that a white neighbor had just grabbed her son by the neck for ignoring his order for the 7-year-old boy to pick up a piece of garbage on the ground.

“He defied him, so that’s why he did it,” Craig is heard telling the officer. “So I have a problem with that. My son is 7 years old. You don’t have the right to grab him, choke him.” …

Craig, her daughter and their cousin, Brea Hymond, were all arrested.

Read more here.

Keep ‘your fat mouth shut’: Trump-backing school principal under fire for attacking Texas cuffed-mom: here.

COP AIMS GUN AT BLACK FAMILY A disturbing video captured a Phoenix police officer aiming a gun, yelling obscenities and threatening to shoot a black family after their 4-year-old daughter walked out of a store with a doll last month. [HuffPost]

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